At this point, I doubt many people want more Ole Miss/Pedulla updates but oh the hell well lol (read it or don't).
I don't think this staff can/will but there has to be a way to prevent Pedulla to OK State (& land him). Geez. It would signal a kid who wants to go home. Like the great philosopher, Eddie Radosevich, once said, "
"Pedulla Family Court" at Lloyd Noble Center.
How about a big ass banner with his face on it on the side of the LNC? Or maybe a billboard near his mom's/dad's that they'll see?
How about we make him the richest basketball player in OU history. $500K now, $1 for every ticket sold. I can't math that because I'm a math idiot but it's a lot.

Is that illegal? I don't care. Is the kid worth it? No. It's proving a point. Ole Miss will not money whip us and Oklahoma State is a chit stain on history's whitey tighties.
How about something with the Thunder? He loves the Thunder. Season tickets courtside? Can some donor step up? @GabeIkard?
Just spit-balling, lol, and very unserious.
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