43 Years Ago ... Lloyd Noble Center opened in 1975.
Challenge for message board historians ... I wonder when the first thread was started about a new arena. Widespread development of LANS, PCs and workstations unfolded in the 1980s, and this allowed the budding Internet to flourish. My guess is that the very first "new arena" thread dates back to the late 1980s when the LNC was little more than 10 years old.
Hundred or More ... I feel safe in typing with accuracy that there have been at least a hundred "new arena threads" on OU Basketball message boards over the years. I cannot say that it has been as many as 200, as that would have been an average of 6 threads a year.
So What? ... Hey, we are human. I like to "beat a dead horse" as much as the next person. I will continue to read these threads. So far, after some decades, those that have posted the following statement have been 100% accurate ...
Its not happening.
Based on available evidence, I believe tycat is correct.
Yep, not happening.
Doesn’t really have anything to do with paying attention to basketball. There just isn’t money for this. I seriously doubt football stadium is ever completed as envisioned and same with softball. It’s going to be a long time out before significant athletic projects are started again.
The dirty secret is that the number of OU football donors has declined in recent years. OU has significantly raised the required donation for premium seats at the Football stadium, and now the formally sold-out donor sections have plenty of seats available. (@@) OU is now forced to sell these as individual game tickets, although you generally have to be a donor to have access to these donation-free donor section tickets (I bought some last season). OU also sells football tickets directly on Stubhub, both in and out of the donor sections.
Student support for all athletic events is on the decline, as many young people would rather watch content on their phone and not put out the effort of actually going to a game. At football games, the student section is rarely full and it begins to empty out before halftime. At the LNC, OU has begun to offer tickets in the student section to the general public at cut-rate prices.
A new basketball arena? It probably will take one of us to win the lottery for it to happen. Otherwise, we will likely see hundreds more threads just like this one in the coming years.
Arena size? Arena Location? Its all academic. Its not happening.
(@@) .. If you want a good football season ticket, call the Sooner Club and write a big check. They will be happy to help you out.