New offer Lance Thomas PF

WHat ever happened with Theo John? The word was he was close to committing, like a month ago. Did something happen?
Still in play. I guess OU maybe wants two bigs in this class?
Numbers don't quite add up though.
3 spots
WHat ever happened with Theo John? The word was he was close to committing, like a month ago. Did something happen?

Recruit both, 1st one to commit gets the spot. Kruger doesn't play the waiting game.
Lots of options.

2017 has a chance to be a top class. Not just young porter (Washington bound) Ayton (unlikely OU) but in contact with him.

Are u saying Young and Porter are going to u-Dub or just Porter?
Lance T looked good. He is probably a little over 6 8". Thin, but athletic and decent defensive quickness. I think that Theo John has a little higher ceiling.