Next Season Make or Break?

Oliver Hardy

Active member
Nov 24, 2010
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Next season, I believe, may be a make or break season for the program. Let me explain what I mean and I'll end up with my starting five and why I think they start.

No single season either makes or breaks a program in and of itself. All life is cyclical. Sherri has revived the program and brought it to unparalleled heights by going to three final fours and making the program a steady contender.

Then, last season a convergence of poor recruiting, injuries, bad coaching, position deficiencies, lack of effort and poor senior leadership just seemed to catch up with OUWBB. We fell out of the top 25. We underperformed in the tournament, just as we did in the season.

Our recruiting seems to have leveled out a slight bit with the signing of Treese and our incoming class is projected to have real talent.

This offseason is a perfect time for Sherri and the staff, as well as veteran players, to reflect, analyze, and change at a level/rate that hasn't been seen since the year before the twins arrived.

I believe everyone will do that and the result will be an improvement for everyone who is involved with, and who, supports the team. Sherri isn't stupid. Stubborn maybe. Plays favorites to the team's deteriment, often.

But this staff and the players can do what needs to be done to right the ship.

That's why I believe next season is a make or break for the future of the program -- if it is ever going to get back into the national championship hunt.

Sherri, I believe and hope, understands clearly that the wheels came off last season and what she has been doing didn't work out so well. I don't expect her to have a repeat. That's not who I think she is. She's not a quitter, so I think next season has to be better just because, even though it could be worse, it's not likely to happen with this program.

I believe there will be changes. Not in staff, but in intensity on everyone's part. I believe Sherri's leash will shorten dramatically on players not stepping up and playing and practicing to the maximum. I believe, even though she loves 4-guard sets and certainly has the smalls to run it, that she knows she cannot win titles without an effective, significant improvement in the 4 and 5 spots and some modifications to the offenses she runs.

Accountability will be at a premium I believe.

I think there aren't any Morgan's, Nicole G., or Aaron's around that Sherri feels bound to commit to -- except for Maddie. If you don't play solid defense, if you don't cut down the turnovers, if you don't stop getting silly fouls, then don't expect to be on the court. In short, while there are favorites, I don't expect to see the "kind" of favoritism and acceptance of excuses that we've seen the last couple of years.

If all of those things happen, I believe it will be a "new beginning" for OU; that we can be back in the top 25; that we can seriously challenge for the BIG XII-2 Title, and that we can go deep into the tournament.

That's what we need to spur recruitment of the top-20 caliber players and spawn a return to greatness.

If none of this happens and we have another hapless year, we will have to have a new coach and staff before things turnaround -- by the 16-17 season.

I'm optimistic. So, here are my starters and why:

1. Ortiz. Why? Because she's a better player, reportedly, than Carter, who fouls and seems to disappear. I think there is a real youth movement on this team. Backup- Carter because of experience (she's also probably the first off the bench).

2. Little. Why? Because Kornet and everyone else we have is either shakey on consistency or too young. Back-up Wyatt (although I really think the backup role is completely open).

3. Manning. The biggest IF on the team. I just keep remembering the drop off in Whitney after three surgeries. However, if she can get back to 90 percent and can escape a season or two without injury, then she can be the glue for this team for the remainder of her career. Back-up: Kornet. If she wants to start, she's got to be more consistent with her shot.

4. Sharane. No if, ands or buts about it. She is the best on the roster. Back-up Kornet and Kellog. I am excited to see what Kellog can do. We can really be a lot better if she has a great year. 2nd back-up Kay-Kay.

5. Treese. A fresh face and, from reports may be more intense, focused and better player than Kay-Kay. Williams was singled out by Sherri and others for dogging it and never learning from mistakes. If she continues that, here comes Sherri's unforgiving dog house and she'll be the next Jeffcoat. I think Treese is the muscle, smarts and talent to be another Jo. God knows we need it. Back-up: Kay-Kay, just because Vivi is a freshman and coming off a serious injury. Once well, I wouldn't be surprised to see her become the back-up. Don't think she can match Treese yet.

The rest: It's going to be a plug the hole and fill the need situation for everyone else. Sherri doesn't like going more than 8 deep anyway. There are plenty of openings for someone to step up, however. I think Sherri and the staff are going to be excited about the player development for next fall.

So there it is. Get better or become an after thought. Next season is the tipping point. Bring it on. I'm ready and I think the staff and players will be too.
Were you just posting a manifesto or is a response OK? I'll assume it is OK. And I will try to be more concise.

1. The team will be better this season. Not conference champs better. But, better.

2. Last season Little was the best all around player on the team. She will be this season too.

3. Next season's team will go as far as Williams can take them. Not one inch further.
Oliver, I agree with much of what you said. Here are some of the important things that I hope will change this year:

1. We spend an inordinate amount of time throughout the season working on rebounding. I don't think we have a dominate rebounder on the team and we have got to rebound by committee. That takes a lot of time and work by the coaches as well as the player but I believe it would pay dividends.

2. Turnovers have consequences. Continuing to play those who are sloppy with the ball sends the wrong message to the team. Sit some butts on the bench and play others who treat ball security with the utmost respect. One or two turnovers is tolerable. Three or more should require an immediate trip to the bench for the rest of the game. It may take 3 or 4 games but these girls are smart and they will soon connect the dots that turnovers=splinters in the backside and extra running at the next practice.

3. Less dribbling...we have talked abouy this many times.

4. We need to improve on help defense.

5. More 1/2 to 3/4 to fullcourt traps and pressure. We have the people so no reason not to try to disrupt the opponent as much as possible.

6. More movement...we have talked abou this many times.

7. More fast breaks...we have talked about this as well.

8. Recruit the heck out of Texas.

I think just these things would make us a better team. I am not looking to be a top 25 team. I am looking for top 10. That is going to take more effort from the coaching staff as well as the players to accomplish.
Actually, we are a only a year removed from a Sweet Sixteen team, and we have made the Sweet Sixteen nine of the past fifteen years, which isn't bad. What was strange was that we were one player away from a Sweet Sixteen--Jo. That team did beat the ACC champion in the NCAAs.

I still think Sherri is as stunned as I am that three seniors on whom she had counted for four years did not come together to lead a team last year. Sometimes, you just have to move on with a complete lack of understanding and try to make sure it doesn't happen again. Three great kids just couldn't lead the team at crunch time.

But, we've all seen this elsewhere. A team that should be a World Series champion has a horrible year and finishes fifth. The guy who has scored twenty points all year long can't hit the broad side of a barn during playoffs. It happens.

I would agree that we will have a somewhat shorter leash. First, we don't have a bunch of three and four year starters who are on the Wooden Watch list. And, our bench isn't a bunch of freshmen. We do have some options. Last year, if we removed Griffin, we got Kay Kay who must have averaged no more than three rebounds per game in Big Twelve play. If we sat Morgan down, we got a bit better ball-handling and defense, but T'Ona could only hit layups and free throws. We just didn't have options that were ready.

I think we will have at least seven or eight that are a part of our options this year. I can't really project who will start because I haven't seen everyone, and I certainly haven't seen them this year. I don't know what Kornet will be like as a junior. Remember that we wanted Jo on the bench until she became a star as a senior. And, they won't be replacing Jo. She was a power forward. Vivi, Kay Kay, and McKenna will be replacing Nicole. I have read that Vivi can play facing the basket. I don't think Kay Kay can.

I look for things to change, not because there is a change in philosophy. I think there will be a change in attitude. I don't think we will have a bunch of kids who don't want to make the play at the end of the game. I think Maddie, Peyton, and Gabi want that ball. I think Gioya wants it. Who plays? Well, those freshmen are now sophomores.
Accusing a coach of playing favorites is a very serious charge. Not saying that coaches don't have favorite players but a coach who values playing them over winning is not a very good coach. I think Sherri is better than that. Also not saying that coaches aren't often wrong about who is the better player but with Sherri's track record it is hard to think that she has built the OU program playing favorites over more skilled players.

Now does she have a pretty short leash on lesser experienced players, you bet and maybe too short.

Does she play her starters a lot of minutes, yes she does and that flies in the face of being able to play up tempo and pressure defense.

I think we will always have the turnovers. Sherri urges her players to push the envelope and turnovers will occur when you do that. It is just that pushing the envelope didn't help much in 13-14.

I think Ortiz is the starting point guard from the getgo. The criticisms of Edwards game are fair and unless she develops not only a long range but also a midrange game, she will not be more than a backup at OU.

I don't see Carter as a point guard even though she seems to have good court vision and made some great assists in 13-14. She is about the quickest player to the rim since DRob and maybe as quick but instead of putting up a strong shot she alters it and loses accuracy. I don't know if she will develop an outside shot but she was pretty good outside in highschool but you can say that about a lot of OU players who never got it going at OU.

Little appears to be a good player and good shot but we are probably expecting too much from her. I can easily see her as a starter.

Manning if healthy, will definitely start. She is one of the rare frosh under Sherri who started and she was effective before her injury. Also appears to be a real gamer.

Campbell is a warrior and will start or be an all-conference player as a sixth player. She could be effective in that role and may be more mentally attuned to coming off the bench than others. I don't think she got as many calls off contact in 13-14 as in her first two years. Possibly teams are more aware that she is going to try to initiate contact and the officials may be beginning to regard her as a bit of a flopper.

I can't fathom Kornet. Very highly rated player out of high school that has seriously not lived up to her ranking. Seems to have good tools but unable at this point to put it together to become a consistently good player. No idea if she will fix that in 14-15.

Two reasons for the poor season in 13-14. Not the turnovers or bad fouls but 1) giving to many easy baskets and not rebounding well trashed our uptempo game and 2) very inconsistent play from almost every player on the team, including the three starting seniors.

That makes the inside play crucial. We have seen some brilliance and some total ineptness by KayKay. Will she pay the price to be consistent and better or do we see another season of inconsistence. The incoming frosh (ViVi and Treece) will be wait and see. Could be another season of problems but a healthy Manning and an improved Kornet could help a lot.

Kellogg doesn't seem to fit Sherri's idea of what she wants on the court but it could have been lack of experience. She was also a good outside shooter in high school. Don't have a clue

Wyatt is not real athletic but I think has good court awareness of both offense and defense. She has to regain the confidence she showed in hitting 6 treys in one game. Here is where Sherri's short leash on frosh may have worked against her. You have to let young shooters miss a few.

Penzo and Williams may be factors but may not see much time. Williams was considered better as a junior than Edwards as a senior and she had a very strong senior season. She may be the sleeper of the team but has to pass up a lot of more experienced players to get much time.

A lot depends on how hard the players work to improve themselves in the offseason. We saw virtually every Sooner mens players improve over the previous season in 13-14. Maybe we will see the same from the women next year.
It's so interesting how people say, "the three seniors." There were four, but one was a dud. Haha.
Accusing a coach of playing favorites is a very serious charge. Not saying that coaches don't have favorite players but a coach who values playing them over winning is not a very good coach. I think Sherri is better than that. Also not saying that coaches aren't often wrong about who is the better player but with Sherri's track record it is hard to think that she has built the OU program playing favorites over more skilled players.

Now does she have a pretty short leash on lesser experienced players, you bet and maybe too short.

Does she play her starters a lot of minutes, yes she does and that flies in the face of being able to play up tempo and pressure defense.

I think we will always have the turnovers. Sherri urges her players to push the envelope and turnovers will occur when you do that. It is just that pushing the envelope didn't help much in 13-14.

I think Ortiz is the starting point guard from the getgo. The criticisms of Edwards game are fair and unless she develops not only a long range but also a midrange game, she will not be more than a backup at OU.

I don't see Carter as a point guard even though she seems to have good court vision and made some great assists in 13-14. She is about the quickest player to the rim since DRob and maybe as quick but instead of putting up a strong shot she alters it and loses accuracy. I don't know if she will develop an outside shot but she was pretty good outside in highschool but you can say that about a lot of OU players who never got it going at OU.

Little appears to be a good player and good shot but we are probably expecting too much from her. I can easily see her as a starter.

Manning if healthy, will definitely start. She is one of the rare frosh under Sherri who started and she was effective before her injury. Also appears to be a real gamer.

Campbell is a warrior and will start or be an all-conference player as a sixth player. She could be effective in that role and may be more mentally attuned to coming off the bench than others. I don't think she got as many calls off contact in 13-14 as in her first two years. Possibly teams are more aware that she is going to try to initiate contact and the officials may be beginning to regard her as a bit of a flopper.

I can't fathom Kornet. Very highly rated player out of high school that has seriously not lived up to her ranking. Seems to have good tools but unable at this point to put it together to become a consistently good player. No idea if she will fix that in 14-15.

Two reasons for the poor season in 13-14. Not the turnovers or bad fouls but 1) giving to many easy baskets and not rebounding well trashed our uptempo game and 2) very inconsistent play from almost every player on the team, including the three starting seniors.

That makes the inside play crucial. We have seen some brilliance and some total ineptness by KayKay. Will she pay the price to be consistent and better or do we see another season of inconsistence. The incoming frosh (ViVi and Treece) will be wait and see. Could be another season of problems but a healthy Manning and an improved Kornet could help a lot.

Kellogg doesn't seem to fit Sherri's idea of what she wants on the court but it could have been lack of experience. She was also a good outside shooter in high school. Don't have a clue

Wyatt is not real athletic but I think has good court awareness of both offense and defense. She has to regain the confidence she showed in hitting 6 treys in one game. Here is where Sherri's short leash on frosh may have worked against her. You have to let young shooters miss a few.

Penzo and Williams may be factors but may not see much time. Williams was considered better as a junior than Edwards as a senior and she had a very strong senior season. She may be the sleeper of the team but has to pass up a lot of more experienced players to get much time.

A lot depends on how hard the players work to improve themselves in the offseason. We saw virtually every Sooner mens players improve over the previous season in 13-14. Maybe we will see the same from the women next year.

Great post!

I think Gioya's biggest problem may be confidence. She showed brief flashes of being a star but most of the time she looked a little lost on the floor. Some of this may have been, as you say, maybe too short of a leash. I think Sherri saw a lot of Gioya's good traits in practice and that's why she played/started her a lot during the early part of the season but come game time she didn't perform to the level she was practicing. Just a guess. After seeing that, Sherri didn't play her near as much the last month or so of the season. I'm hoping they all are playing a lot in the gym this summer and get better. There is a lot of potential there IMO and I think confidence/swagger/etc is a lot that's missing.
If Ortiz and Little are providing the outside shot, you can let Gioya be the aggressive penetrating attacking guard and her lack of an outside game becomes less of an issue.
That's an interesting 3 guard lineup
Unless both of them have radically improved their shot from 3, playing Edwards and Carter together is a non starter.
No. Next year will not be a make or break season. Neither will the year after that.

At this point, I just don't know what to think about next year. It should be interesting.
Atlanta... Are you describing a possible lineup of:

1. Ortiz
2. Carter
3. Little
4. Manning
5. And God knows who?

That would be very, very interesting to see on the floor.

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No. Next year will not be a make or break season. Neither will the year after that.

At this point, I just don't know what to think about next year. It should be interesting.

Acutally, I think this will be a make or break year. If we finish out of the top 25 in back to back years, it will be a big setback for the program. It is much easier to talk to elite recruits when you are recognized as a top 10 program (like we used to be) versus one that cannot finish in the top 25. That could/would have a significant impact for years to come.

That said, I do think we have what it takes to finish in the top 20, hopefully, higher.
To get back to the initial question,
2014-2015 on the court and in recruiting are huge if your desire for OU hoops is to get back to a Final Four type level.
The "recruitniks" on one side have been insisting that OU won't get back to the top without top 10/20 level talent.

Accept that argument for a second. OU has two girls of that level verballed apparently in 2016 Chelsea Dungee and 2017 Ana LLanusa. USA Basketball thinks they are great. Sherri's never offered a HS freshman before (I think). They are dominating OK HS hoops. Scouting services have them ranked very high.

OU needs to get back to being a top 16 type team to lay the foundation for that talent to keep those verbals to OU. You need young play makers to emerge to be the leaders in several years for that talented twosome. You need to re establish OU as a Big 12 hoops power for recruiting. You need to sign talent around those two anchor pieces.

Your 2017 starting lineup could be
SR PG Ortiz
Soph SG Dungee
FR Wing Llanusa
insert highly rated mobile Power forward signed in 2015
SR Center Vivi

You could be looking at a title run.

However, if the infusion of talent does not re energize this team. If OU struggles again and is not a factor in the Big 12 race. If Ou struggles to sign two big time recruits this fall.
One bad season you write off, could have been a mix of who knows what.
Two bad seasons, and the negativity around OU in recruiting will be intense.
Dungee and Llanusa could end up being Huskies, or Bears, or ..................
To get back to the initial question,
2014-2015 on the court and in recruiting are huge if your desire for OU hoops is to get back to a Final Four type level.
The "recruitniks" on one side have been insisting that OU won't get back to the top without top 10/20 level talent.

Accept that argument for a second. OU has two girls of that level verballed apparently in 2016 Chelsea Dungee and 2017 Ana LLanusa. USA Basketball thinks they are great. Sherri's never offered a HS freshman before (I think). They are dominating OK HS hoops. Scouting services have them ranked very high.

OU needs to get back to being a top 16 type team to lay the foundation for that talent to keep those verbals to OU. You need young play makers to emerge to be the leaders in several years for that talented twosome. You need to re establish OU as a Big 12 hoops power for recruiting. You need to sign talent around those two anchor pieces.

Your 2017 starting lineup could be
SR PG Ortiz
Soph SG Dungee
FR Wing Llanusa
insert highly rated mobile Power forward signed in 2015
SR Center Vivi

You could be looking at a title run.

However, if the infusion of talent does not re energize this team. If OU struggles again and is not a factor in the Big 12 race. If Ou struggles to sign two big time recruits this fall.
One bad season you write off, could have been a mix of who knows what.
Two bad seasons, and the negativity around OU in recruiting will be intense.
Dungee and Llanusa could end up being Huskies, or Bears, or ..................

Great post! I know that Llanusa, Franks, and Johnson are very close friends and have mentioned playing together in college, even though it is still a few years away. Johnson is a big fan of A&M right now. She might not give us serious consideration unless we improve. Franks might not either.
It's so interesting how people say, "the three seniors." There were four, but one was a dud. Haha.

I think people often forget Portia because she was a JC transfer. As far as being a dud, I do not see that.
In order for this team to be really good, obviously we have to have an inside game. That is why I am hopeful that ViVi and McKenna can bring a consistent presence to the paint that includes defense, rebounding, and scoring. That has been missing for too long.

You cannot win at a high level with guards only.
I'll just call this the "Meanderings of An Old Geezer", for what its worth, which ain't much.

Is next season a make or break? Nope its not. Taking away this abomination of a season, the past five before we have been to two Final Fours, two sweet 16's and one second round and then this year's one and done. I'll take that to the bank every time. Now do we need some tweaking? Well hell yeah we do.

Now why did we not have the team chemistry after coming off of a Sweet 16 and the promise of a really good season with 4 seniors and some good talent on the bench. Can't answer that. It happens. I don't know for the life of me why we recruit guard after guard and not concentrate on 4's and 5's. However it seems to me we might be turning a corner. Several on this board have talked about Gibbs and her athleticism and why she wasn't used more. Well the truth is two fold. First she really struggled in the class room and did not do well. Second she had a really tough time understanding the team concepts and the system that Sherri was trying to teach. I think she will do much better at a lower division school and I wish her luck.

As far as next year, I am really excited. I am just going to assume that by conference time every one will be healthy and ready to contribute. If not, then later on I will re-think my position and re-post some thing else during the appropriate time.

My opinion for next season:

The four studs will be Gabbi, Maddie, Peyton, and Sharane. I think as they go so will the Sooners. We will be at a premium at the guard position with several kids being able to contribute off the bench. Kornet, Wyatt, Carter, and maybe even Williams will be excellent role players if not an occasional start. I just don't know if there will be enough minutes for Edwards and Penzo, but you never know.

For the bigs. We know what Kaylon is capable, can she work toward that goal and become a solid starter and rebounder, or will the two freshman out work her and push her a side. I like McKenna's size and apparent toughness, as I said in an earlier post, if Patterson was high on her, then she probably will become a very solid player. I also like Vionese and her ability to face up to the basket, the only negative I can say about her is she doesn't "love basketball', but uses it to take her further in life. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I would much rather have kids that love the game they are playing.
Shaya is an enigma for me. I really like her passion. I like the fact that she will mix it up underneath the glass and rebounds like a demon. I hope she never shoots another 3. I think her strength is 12 feet in, and she can become a very good defender. She is my dark horse and hope she will earn some serious playing time her sophomore year.

I agree with most on this board, that by mid season, Sherri will probably be down to an 8 or 9 player rotation, maybe, but doubtful 10. I always say that, but it never happens. If we have transfers, it will more than likely happen after this season, once all the smoke clears and we see who is left standing.

My starters for the first game (considering all are healthy)


Key off the bench, Nicole, Gioya, McKenna, Derica, Shaya. I am reserved about Vivi, only because those knee injuries are tricky.

Again, me personally, I don't think this is a make or break season. The future is bright, with Chelsea, and Ana already committed and I think we get Alexander. This years team will surprise a lot of people. I think the chemistry is there, and this team has the kids that know how to win, and kids that want the ball at crunch time to bring us to victory. We will be a top three in the Big 12 and will get back into the top 20 sooner than later.
I personally think some of the chemistry was among the seniors, I believe something happened either in the offseason or preseason and we just were never the same
I'll just call this the "Meanderings of An Old Geezer", for what its worth, which ain't much.

Is next season a make or break? Nope its not. Taking away this abomination of a season, the past five before we have been to two Final Fours, two sweet 16's and one second round and then this year's one and done. I'll take that to the bank every time. Now do we need some tweaking? Well hell yeah we do.

Now why did we not have the team chemistry after coming off of a Sweet 16 and the promise of a really good season with 4 seniors and some good talent on the bench. Can't answer that. It happens. I don't know for the life of me why we recruit guard after guard and not concentrate on 4's and 5's. However it seems to me we might be turning a corner. Several on this board have talked about Gibbs and her athleticism and why she wasn't used more. Well the truth is two fold. First she really struggled in the class room and did not do well. Second she had a really tough time understanding the team concepts and the system that Sherri was trying to teach. I think she will do much better at a lower division school and I wish her luck.

As far as next year, I am really excited. I am just going to assume that by conference time every one will be healthy and ready to contribute. If not, then later on I will re-think my position and re-post some thing else during the appropriate time.

My opinion for next season:

The four studs will be Gabbi, Maddie, Peyton, and Sharane. I think as they go so will the Sooners. We will be at a premium at the guard position with several kids being able to contribute off the bench. Kornet, Wyatt, Carter, and maybe even Williams will be excellent role players if not an occasional start. I just don't know if there will be enough minutes for Edwards and Penzo, but you never know.

For the bigs. We know what Kaylon is capable, can she work toward that goal and become a solid starter and rebounder, or will the two freshman out work her and push her a side. I like McKenna's size and apparent toughness, as I said in an earlier post, if Patterson was high on her, then she probably will become a very solid player. I also like Vionese and her ability to face up to the basket, the only negative I can say about her is she doesn't "love basketball', but uses it to take her further in life. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I would much rather have kids that love the game they are playing.
Shaya is an enigma for me. I really like her passion. I like the fact that she will mix it up underneath the glass and rebounds like a demon. I hope she never shoots another 3. I think her strength is 12 feet in, and she can become a very good defender. She is my dark horse and hope she will earn some serious playing time her sophomore year.

I agree with most on this board, that by mid season, Sherri will probably be down to an 8 or 9 player rotation, maybe, but doubtful 10. I always say that, but it never happens. If we have transfers, it will more than likely happen after this season, once all the smoke clears and we see who is left standing.

My starters for the first game (considering all are healthy)


Key off the bench, Nicole, Gioya, McKenna, Derica, Shaya. I am reserved about Vivi, only because those knee injuries are tricky.

Again, me personally, I don't think this is a make or break season. The future is bright, with Chelsea, and Ana already committed and I think we get Alexander. This years team will surprise a lot of people. I think the chemistry is there, and this team has the kids that know how to win, and kids that want the ball at crunch time to bring us to victory. We will be a top three in the Big 12 and will get back into the top 20 sooner than later.

I'll just call this the "Meanderings of An Old Geezer", for what its worth, which ain't much.

Is next season a make or break? Nope its not. Taking away this abomination of a season, the past five before we have been to two Final Fours, two sweet 16's and one second round and then this year's one and done. I'll take that to the bank every time. Now do we need some tweaking? Well hell yeah we do.

Now why did we not have the team chemistry after coming off of a Sweet 16 and the promise of a really good season with 4 seniors and some good talent on the bench. Can't answer that. It happens. I don't know for the life of me why we recruit guard after guard and not concentrate on 4's and 5's. However it seems to me we might be turning a corner. Several on this board have talked about Gibbs and her athleticism and why she wasn't used more. Well the truth is two fold. First she really struggled in the class room and did not do well. Second she had a really tough time understanding the team concepts and the system that Sherri was trying to teach. I think she will do much better at a lower division school and I wish her luck.

As far as next year, I am really excited. I am just going to assume that by conference time every one will be healthy and ready to contribute. If not, then later on I will re-think my position and re-post some thing else during the appropriate time.

My opinion for next season:

The four studs will be Gabbi, Maddie, Peyton, and Sharane. I think as they go so will the Sooners. We will be at a premium at the guard position with several kids being able to contribute off the bench. Kornet, Wyatt, Carter, and maybe even Williams will be excellent role players if not an occasional start. I just don't know if there will be enough minutes for Edwards and Penzo, but you never know.

For the bigs. We know what Kaylon is capable, can she work toward that goal and become a solid starter and rebounder, or will the two freshman out work her and push her a side. I like McKenna's size and apparent toughness, as I said in an earlier post, if Patterson was high on her, then she probably will become a very solid player. I also like Vionese and her ability to face up to the basket, the only negative I can say about her is she doesn't "love basketball', but uses it to take her further in life. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but I would much rather have kids that love the game they are playing.
Shaya is an enigma for me. I really like her passion. I like the fact that she will mix it up underneath the glass and rebounds like a demon. I hope she never shoots another 3. I think her strength is 12 feet in, and she can become a very good defender. She is my dark horse and hope she will earn some serious playing time her sophomore year.

I agree with most on this board, that by mid season, Sherri will probably be down to an 8 or 9 player rotation, maybe, but doubtful 10. I always say that, but it never happens. If we have transfers, it will more than likely happen after this season, once all the smoke clears and we see who is left standing.

My starters for the first game (considering all are healthy)


Key off the bench, Nicole, Gioya, McKenna, Derica, Shaya. I am reserved about Vivi, only because those knee injuries are tricky.

Again, me personally, I don't think this is a make or break season. The future is bright, with Chelsea, and Ana already committed and I think we get Alexander. This years team will surprise a lot of people. I think the chemistry is there, and this team has the kids that know how to win, and kids that want the ball at crunch time to bring us to victory. We will be a top three in the Big 12 and will get back into the top 20 sooner than later.

Great post, Roc! And by the way, you are NOT a sunshine pumper@!!! :ez-roll:
I personally think some of the chemistry was among the seniors, I believe something happened either in the offseason or preseason and we just were never the same

Who really knows what happened. I know we had Louisville in the cross hairs and let them come back and take it to overtime. In the OT, it seemed like no one wanted the ball in their hands to try to win it. I know all the girls had to hurt over that loss. Then we go to UCLA and everyone just seemed to sleep walk through that game. Two big losses and we could have won them both. I don't know if those games had any after effect or not, but they seemed to take away the swagger we had starting out the season.