OU Sports Talk


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Nov 5, 2008
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Porter Moser was on OU Sports Talk last night. Toby asked him what we could do about the free throw discrepancy since the conference games have started. FYI, prior to conference play, we were one of the teams that was called for the fewest number of fouls. Since conference play started, our opponents have shot a total of 96 free throws. We have shot 49. Moser said we need to look at film and see what we need to improve on in that area and try to make those improvements. Then he said, "Other groups need to do the same." More tactful than what Billy Tubbs might have said but the point was made.

I'm not under any illusion that it's going to get any better, but I was happy to see him address it.
Moser is all class, just like Lon.

There is no doubt that we are getting shafting by the zebras. Crazy to think that we still could have won every game.
96 - 49...and yet we have been in every game until the final seconds. Once we get to the SEC, I'm betting that by miracle this ridiculous discrepancy narrows drastically.
96 - 49...and yet we have been in every game until the final seconds. Once we get to the SEC, I'm betting that by miracle this ridiculous discrepancy narrows drastically.

Again, please explain why refs who don’t work for the Big 12 would care one bit which conference we are in? Also, the OP says we were getting called for very few fouls in nonconference. So does that mean they were biased in our favor a month ago? It’s a four game sample. Let’s see what the numbers are like in another month.

But I am guess the theory is that, say, John Higgins is working one of our games. Even though he isn’t employed by the Big 12, and is also reffing SEC games, he is so offended by our decision to change leagues that he is out to get us? But he will no longer feel that way once the move has happened?

I don’t believe in conspiracy theories, but at least there is some logic to it when it comes to sports where the officials work for a specific conference.
I don't know what to attribute the disparity to--I don't think the officials would care one way or the other that we're leaving the conference--but I know what I've seen: inept, one-sided officiating that has definitely impacted our games. Both of Tanner's first two fouls today were bogus, and I'm glad Coach Moser let the officials have it.
There is something to be said about a timely and calculated technical foul. I honestly believe OU would have lost today if Moser didn't get T'd up. The officials are human. I mentioned in another thread that after the most famous technical foul in the history of OU basketball, 8 of the next 9 fouls were called against the opposition.
There is something to be said about a timely and calculated technical foul. I honestly believe OU would have lost today if Moser didn't get T'd up. The officials are human. I mentioned in another thread that after the most famous technical foul in the history of OU basketball, 8 of the next 9 fouls were called against the opposition.

I absolutely loved it! Way to go, Coach!
There is something to be said about a timely and calculated technical foul. I honestly believe OU would have lost today if Moser didn't get T'd up. The officials are human. I mentioned in another thread that after the most famous technical foul in the history of OU basketball, 8 of the next 9 fouls were called against the opposition.

very much agreed great T from Porter