I traveled a bit this year during the tournament and did not keep my running totals I have done in years past. At this point as best I can tell it comes down to the following three people:
WTSooner with Wisconsin. If Wisconsin wins it WT will win this thing.
DUke+Capel or Blacksauce101. If Duke wins this person will win it
TSOU89 should take it if Kentucky wins just edging out our esteemed leader OUhoops. They both have Kentucky but OUhoops is trailing by 10 points. (OUhoops also has less points available)
Big props to OUhoops for picking Michigan State for the final four. I doubt many people got that correct. I promise not to tell coach Kruger you actually picked Michigan State to beat OU.
Our caboose is Statgeek with a woeful 570 points and no more points possible. Well done sir, you have the annual honor of last place and nobody can take that from you. I think Statgeek deserves some recognition for the bold final four prediction of Wichita State, Arizona, ISU and Villanova. It is easy to pick the number one seeds.
Just so no one is upset, I will share that I am way back in 53rd place tied with my friends Coolm and SoonerinJersey. I really thought I knew more about college basketball than Coolm.

I will make a mental note to beat him next year.
Most people had Kentucky so there shouldn't be too much shakeup in the final standings but I have to say (even though I too have Kentucky), I am pulling for the guys with Wisconsin and a WTSooner win this year.
The winner will be happy to know they get absolutely nothing!
This was a fun season. I can't wait until Buddy decides what he is going to do and practice to start next season.