Pay sites are starting to Hate Henzo

I doubt a guy like Hale cares much about this site or is planning on trading in his BMW because of it. They're making a killing on ouinsider, and it isn't because of basketball coverage. Heck, all Sooner Scoop does is football coverage and I think they've passed OUInsider in traffic over the past year or so.
How do we have a reporter on a free website???

Because Henzo works for peanuts and I'm a lottery winner. Well, maybe not that last part. :)

Honestly, we're not trying to get rich off of this and the server fees each month to keep this thing running aren't bad at all. We may add a banner ad to the home page to try and recoup some of the costs, but I honestly think we're years away from crossing the charge/no charge bridge.

The goal though is to eventually sell enough banner ads on the home page to keep this thing free. We only have 1500 registered users now so with that traffic the server fees really are minimal at this point.

He's kickin their tails.

Like someone posted above I doubt they're worried about what we're doing because football will always pay the bills for those guys. And Josh/Carey and Hale do a great job covering that. I admit, I'm a Scoop subscriber and listen to Hale's shows daily for his info.

Now if we did the football site equivalent to this with free recruiting updates, which I am considering, I might need to get a pet bomb sniffing dog to check my car before I turn on the ignition. :D
I would support a once a year contribution drive for the site. For this quality coverage it sure is worth something to me.
You could consider putting up a donations link or something also.
I would support a once a year contribution drive for the site. For this quality coverage it sure is worth something to me.

A paypal account were donations could be sent would be something I would participate in. And Hinzo is accurate too. He's not trying to spin anything, just giving straight info. Those football sites are wrong all the time. Hale spends all day trying to convince the fans that OU leads for some major recruit and then when they commit elsewhere he spins another story.
I agree....this site is so cool for basketball fans. I would help put in my part to keep this site rolling.
I would definitely donate occasionally to help. No where else can you get such good OU bball info.
My contribution to this site has been time to this point. But, I would gladly contribute to the operational costs, so OUHoops doesn't have to reach deeper into his own pockets.

OUHoops, get that donation button set up and I'll be the first in line.
I would like to second (or, like, twentieth) the thanks for Henzo and to OUHoops for setting this site and arrangement up for us. It is an awesome source of information for us basketball fans.

I do have a question for Henzo, sinch it is a rainy offseason day and it's something I've been wondering for awhile anyway.

I am curious as to what sort of role Henzo sees himself playing on this site. I know that OUHoops has said he set this place up as a place to promote OU basketball (a worthy goal!), and I am wondering, Henzo, if you see yourself as an extension of that or more as a reporter. Bear in mind I am not making a value judgment here, I am just curious! There are certainly benefits to both playing the insider, almost program booster type role that a James Hale does in football as well as the more dispassionate role of journalist. I guess I'm wondering specifically if say, in your role as site reporter you came across something potentially embarrassing to the program, would you report it at the risk of losing potential access to the coaching staff?

Again, I know this sounds like a loaded question but I promise it's not intended to be a gotcha. I see both the value in objective and adversarial journalism as well as the more insider-y, no-bones-about-it-I-am-a-fan-of-this-school-and-it-will-show stance taken on some fan sites. Again, no matter what, thank you for your hard work.
You should add a Paypal link, id dtop you a buck now and then lol.