Pilgrim to Memphis?

Doesn't hurt to lose someone you never had, IMO.
Doesn't hurt to lose someone you never had, IMO.
Whatever makes you feel better. He would have instantly made your team much better and deeper. The kid can flat out play and was the talk of the Kentucky boards. He just didn't fit into Cal's offense or Cal's number 1 recruiting class. I would love to have seen him come to OU and wish that Capel had gotten in on him.
Just like Gerald Green going pro and not coming to OSU didn't hurt OSU?
Cyp has been on a pretty good recruiting streak. First Williams, then the Bartons, now Pilgrim. Fact is that Pilgrim probably wouldn't fit in what we have seen of OSU's system either. I think OSU is dedicated to playing Moses at the five and not playing two conventional post players at the same time. Judging by his first two 2010 commits, Ford is not dedicated to recruiting post players. Funny thing is that I read where some OSU fans think Butch Pierre is one of the best big man coaches in the nation!!!! LOL!
Just like Gerald Green going pro and not coming to OSU didn't hurt OSU?

Yea, Gerald Green, Karron Johnson, Keith Brumbaugh, Gary Flowers, etc never hurt OSU. Sean Sutton is still the coach of Green, Brumbaugh, and Flowers made it campus.
Butch Pierre is a recruiter first, he doesn't coach the post players at OSU. Steve Middleton has been Ford's big man coach for the last several years.
Butch Pierre is a recruiter first, he doesn't coach the post players at OSU. Steve Middleton has been Ford's big man coach for the last several years.

You better edjumicate some of you OSU fans about that, because there was a running thread on Orangepower that referred to Pierre as being the pivotal coach behind Big Baby and Tyrus Thomas.
Butch Pierre is a recruiter first, he doesn't coach the post players at OSU. Steve Middleton has been Ford's big man coach for the last several years.

And Chris "grown man" Ferguson gives the chest bumps. Quite a group you guys have down at Boone's farm.
Butch Pierre is a recruiter first, he doesn't coach the post players at OSU. Steve Middleton has been Ford's big man coach for the last several years.

Must be nice to only have one player to coach.
Must be nice to only have one player to coach.


He probably took a sigh of relief when Pilgrim chose Memphis. Didn't want to get his workload doubled. On a side note, does Pilgrim have to sit out another year? If he did, that would be unfair.

He probably took a sigh of relief when Pilgrim chose Memphis. Didn't want to get his workload doubled. On a side note, does Pilgrim have to sit out another year? If he did, that would be unfair.

Are you kidding! He has to develop Teeng Akol into a player. That has to be frustrating.

Pilgrim is expected to be able to play immediately. That is why he is so valuable. But it looks as though Pastner is going to get him.