Player appearance


Super Moderator
Nov 4, 2008
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Bob Stoops was recently quoted as saying that he doesn't care about tatoos, hairdos, piercings, etc.

Do you think Sherri feels the same way?

Should she care about the appearance of recruits/players?
And yet Bob doesn't let a players individuality stand in the way of recruiting kids that express themselves as long as they stay within the team rules.

If Sherri is holding back from recruiting kids because of their looks instead of their heart's and talent, then she is missing out on a lot of talented and team oriented kids. Just one man's opinion.
I think there are several things Sherri looks for in a player and sometimes unfortunately will pass on those who do not meet her "requirements". She hunts all over to meet those requirements and still try to find the skills needed.
Just my opinion, not backed up by any fact, I think she uses those things as an indicator of personal behavior and character and that she may consider those things as marks against a potential recruit.

Just a feeling I have.
As long as we're all voicing our own opinions, not backed up by any fact, as OH says, I think she tries to recruit talent with the caveat that they are players who will put team first. I think she could care less about what they look like. Black, white, fat, thin, short hair, long hair, maroon dreadlocks - doesn't seem to matter.
And yet Bob doesn't let a players individuality stand in the way of recruiting kids that express themselves as long as they stay within the team rules.

If Sherri is holding back from recruiting kids because of their looks instead of their heart's and talent, then she is missing out on a lot of talented and team oriented kids. Just one man's opinion.

My thoughts exactly!!!
As long as we're all voicing our own opinions, not backed up by any fact, as OH says, I think she tries to recruit talent with the caveat that they are players who will put team first. I think she could care less about what they look like. Black, white, fat, thin, short hair, long hair, maroon dreadlocks - doesn't seem to matter.

Obviously, there are some girls who have tatoos for all the world to see. But don't assume that just because you can't see tatoos on any of Sherri's players that they don't have any. In the recent NYT article about the Thunder, they mentioned that the more conservative KD fans might be surprised to learn that he has lots of tatoos, but none that show when he's wearing his uniform. There are may young women who have tatoos. We just can't see them.
Tatoos, piercings, weirdo hair...none of that matters. It doesn't define their character at all. It is simply an expression of their taste which is individual to each of us. We shouldn't expect every player to look like they came from a cookie cutter designed by a coach. Let them be who or what they want to be. As Roc said, as long as they follow the rules and work hard, their personal taste does not matter one iota.
I really applaud Sherri for what she has done and the quality she wants for the program she runs. I have absolutely no idea if any of the kids that have played for her the past 17 years have had "tats" or piercings. However for the most part we do know the kind of player she usually does recruit. All I am saying I hope she doesn't judge a book by its cover, and don't think she does. I just don't want the Sooner program to be devoid of talent because of some pre-conception of a player. This team is probably the most close knit bunch in some time, and looks to stay that way for the next couple of years. With our numbers starting to dwindle, lets look at all possible recruits and not pass on those that may look suspect on the outside, when they could be stellar on the inside. Again JMHO.
We were asked to voice our opinion. I did. It's what I think.

Maybe that wasn't always the case and maybe it is now, maybe it isn't. Just because I don't think what the majority does, doesn't make me or you guys right or wrong.

I just go by what I see the last 3 or 4 years. Certainly, you don't know what's on a back, a butt a pelvis or belly button.

But these girls don't make me think they are the kind that are tat or piercing crazy.
First off, nobody knows any facts on this situation; we have no idea what the staff thinks, or even whether they think it's relevant.

Second, given the number of bad characters that Stoops has recruited and had to suspend or let go, I can't say his philosophies have worked out all that well.

This may not be the dumbest thread of the year, but it definitely makes my top ten - that's my opinion.
First off, nobody knows any facts on this situation; we have no idea what the staff thinks, or even whether they think it's relevant.

Second, given the number of bad characters that Stoops has recruited and had to suspend or let go, I can't say his philosophies have worked out all that well.

This may not be the dumbest thread of the year, but it definitely makes my top ten - that's my opinion.

And yet, you took the time to comment on this thread...twice!
Two or three years ago we had a PG that dyed her hair Crimson. Sherri didn't seem to mind.