Poll: The mods let Jesse post because ...


Active member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
a) They don't care about the quality of this board.
b) They don't care about the quality of this board.
c) They don't care about the quality of this board.

d) They don't care about the quality of this board.

(sorry, don't know how to do a real poll)
I am dead serious. I think the guy might have some kind of mental disability. I think he should be asked to leave banned just so that nobody makes any mean or cruel comments that might really upset the guy.

Seriously, nothing good is coming to him or the rest of us. Its all negativity on both sides. He's not helping this board.


Who shoud I PM about this? I can't remember what name to PM. Is it OUHOOPS?
a) They don't care about the quality of this board.
b) They don't care about the quality of this board.
c) They don't care about the quality of this board.

d) They don't care about the quality of this board.

(sorry, don't know how to do a real poll)

Hey cut hte mod.'s some slack this is not a paid position they volunteer the time.

I like the color Jessie adds spices up the board
The best that I can tell JesseW has not broken any board rules. If you find otherwise, please let us know.

The "Ignore" feature works very well.
JesseW (the W is for Wildcat) is like our James the Marvel from WWLS The Sports Animal. Who would be out Jim Traber?
TMG! :tmg

I am hopeful that he will start living up to his nickname soon (let's start with some defense, little fella!).
While i do get tired of jesse's act at times, i do agree that he hasnt broken amy board rules and i dont think we shouldset the precedent of banning people just because they are annoying. I have to remind myself that i just dont have to read his posts and everyone else should do the same.