Proud fan


The Red Wig
Nov 2, 2008
Reaction score
What a great job by Joe C, Porter Moser and all parties involved to make the all student game happen last night against pine bluff.

The energy of having 3k students there was palpable and you could tell how much it meant to the guys to have that support.

I hope this becomes an annual thing even after a new arena is built.

Well done by all!
What a great job by Joe C, Porter Moser and all parties involved to make the all student game happen last night against pine bluff.

The energy of having 3k students there was palpable and you could tell how much it meant to the guys to have that support.

I hope this becomes an annual thing even after a new arena is built.

Well done by all!

I second this. I wasn’t there or even watched over than highlights but the reports I read were outstanding support