Question about NCAA rules and attrition


New member
Dec 28, 2008
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I know the NCAA has the rules in place about graduating your scholarship players, but how does that rule take things like early entries and dismissed players? OU lost Blake and will lose Willie early, Neysmith transferred, and Capel booted Bobby Maze, Chris Early, Kyle Cannon and Juan Pattillo. That will be 7 guys in Capel's first four years that don't even play beyond 2 years. I used to know this, but how does the graduation rule interpret these things?
I know the NCAA has the rules in place about graduating your scholarship players, but how does that rule take things like early entries and dismissed players? OU lost Blake and will lose Willie early, Neysmith transferred, and Capel booted Bobby Maze, Chris Early, Kyle Cannon and Juan Pattillo. That will be 7 guys in Capel's first four years that don't even play beyond 2 years. I used to know this, but how does the graduation rule interpret these things?

Unless things have changed, all of those early departures count against OU.
Unless things have changed, all of those early departures count against OU.

That's what I thought. I know we were at least in danger of losing a scholarship a year or two ago. Anyone know what the evaluation period is for determining these things? Not trying to be dramatic, just curious...
Don't hold me to this, but usually the reports that come out from the NCAA cover a period that is quite a few years old. Some Southland conference schools got punished this year and I want to think that their graduation rates were over a span from 2004-2006. However, a few departures aren't detrimental to the program, it's when you're graduating a very low percentage that they reduce scholarships.
Not trying to be dramatic, just curious...

i was a little worried when thinking about this the other day, too. throw in keith clark, and it's going to have an impact in some way. it really is a shame too when you think about the kind of program coach is running, doing right by getting rid of the bad seeds.
i used to know this stuff pretty well. i've forgotten some of the specifics, but can give the generalities. nba early entrys and transfers usually don't hurt much. each player has 2 possible points each semester. 1 for staying in school till graduation and 1 for remaining in good academic standing. if the player leaves that would be a lost point, but there is a pretty generous exemption (gpa above some figure, maybe 2.3 or 2.5 and the school doesn't lose the point for retention).

the guys that hurt are the clarks and patillos. 0 for 2 because they leave school in poor academic standing.

the ncaa counts a 3 year average and the school needs 92.5% of the possible points over that span. if they drop below, there are steps they must take to improve academic support etc.

penalties enter when a school that already has an average below 925 and has a 0 for 2 player. they lose a ship the following year in that situation.

the scores for the last 3 years were just released, so you can see where ou is.