Random Question (Transferring Recorded Games to DVD)


Well-known member
Dec 15, 2014
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Very random and kind of a boring thread I know, but wasn't sure where else to post it. Rather than bore with details.... If anyone out there has the capability to record games ans transfer them to DVD, I would really appreciate a PM as I have some questions for you. Thanks in advance!
I have DVD recorder with a VCR player and used it to record some tv shows before HD. Since HD most games are too big to put on a single dvd.
Have someone up load the game to Youtube. You can then download it as an mp4 with an add-on such as Download Helper on Firefox. I was surprised that the mp4 has decent quality, and small enough to burn to disk.
If it's recorded from a DVR, the content is probably encrypted and you won't be able to just pull the hard drive out and copy it. Your only option would be to play it in realtime and record it onto a computer through a component video connection and [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Hauppauge-Gaming-Edition-Definition-Capture/dp/B008ZT8QKO"]One of these[/ame]

You'd still need to use editing software to remove the commercials. Since it uses h.264 the file size will be pretty good, and I'd recommend using a different method to replay it on a TV ((such as putting it on an external hard drive or thumb drive (must be formatted as fat32) and playing it directly on a PS3)). If you want to put it on a DVD, you could use DVD authorizing software to try to put it on a single DVD, or you could just copy the mp4 file onto a DVD-R (many newer dvd players natively support this format.) Keep in mind that re-encoding it to mpeg2 will result in a larger file, and because of the re-encoding and 720x480 limit on standard DVD format, poorer video quality.

Edit: if you're not concerned about HD, you could probably get by with one of [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Magnavox-MDR533H-F7-Drive-Recorder/dp/B009WROL6G/ref=sr_1_1?s=tv&ie=UTF8&qid=1426439728&sr=1-1&keywords=dvd+recorder"]These[/ame]
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Thank you all for the info, but you all are giving me WAY too much credit :)

I collect full length games on DVD of my favorite teams. But I've never done it myself. Not skilled in that department at all. I've always had a source do it in exchange for cash. Yes, this is technically illegal, so some people get freaked out, but I don't redistribute or anything-- just for my personal collection. My source recently fell through and hoping to find a new one. I would be happy to arrange to pay someone for the envelope that contains the DVD :).... If anyone is interested, shoot me a pm.