Ridiculous: OSU's tradition "better" (DOK) only because of total NCAA wins?

Re: Ridiculous: OSU's tradition "better" (DOK) only because of total NCAA w

As I've said before, a big reason why I keep contesting this "OSU is better in basketball" nonsense is for two major reasons: (1) if some potential OU season ticket-holders starting buying that garbage, it can mess up attendance something fierce; and (2) it's a false narrative that can be used against OU in in-state recruiting.

Plus, I just flat-out hate false narratives where OU is concerned, in any sport.

What kind of fan buys tickets based on the perceived ranking between their favorite team and their in state rival?

I don't care if OSU is the best team in the country or the worst, that doesn't affect how I root for OU, and how many games I might want to attend.
Re: Ridiculous: OSU's tradition "better" (DOK) only because of total NCAA w

What kind of fan buys tickets based on the perceived ranking between their favorite team and their in state rival?

I don't care if OSU is the best team in the country or the worst, that doesn't affect how I root for OU, and how many games I might want to attend.

It wouldn't make a difference to me, especially now that I live in Oklahoma again. But I'm mainly talking about perception from the portion of the alumni base that has no idea how good OU really is in hoops. I've known more that one OU grad who's assumed that OSU was better because of the media type. Whether or not they bought tickets isn't really that important to me, because they lived out of state. I do think, in general, that OU could draw better among the alumni if they really knew we were the best program in the state and really good overall.