Robert Goff

The things that I have heard about Rob are that he can run the floor really well, he is long and athletic, can finish with authority, is a plus post defender, and is a mature kid who will fit in well with the team.

I wouldn't really call him underrated. He is not a guy who is going to come in here and average double figures or double digit rebounds.

He looks the part in that he is a legit 6-9 and is well built.
I saw where someone posted Goff was not coming. Hearers of this?

Lots of talk he's not going to class which means he won't be eligible. Nobody really knows the accuracy of said info because it won't come out until the semester is over.
I cannot imagine JUCO's having super strict attendance policies. Maybe he can pass whatever class or classes with limited attendance. I had a couple I did that way.
I cannot imagine JUCO's having super strict attendance policies. Maybe he can pass whatever class or classes with limited attendance. I had a couple I did that way.

Plus folks forget that he sat out last year due to transferring. Perhaps he finished enough classes to be done with what he needs to come to OU?

Like BOB said, we won't know until the end of the semester officially, but I would think he would have been punished by Coach Eck (who is a pretty hard-nosed guy) if he was indeed failing/not attending/not holding up his academic commitments. He played again today in a Blue Dragon victory.
His stats aren't very good so I'm just going to write him off before he ever puts on an OU uniform.
Statistically speaking I think he will be similar to CJ Washington, but hopefully he can alter some shots on the defensive end and have a greater impact. This isn't meant to slight CJ in anyway.
Just checked the Hutch website and he has played in 27 games,starting 19.Sounds like he must be attending class or he wouldn't be playing. I have no idea how good he is,JUCO's being such a crapshoot BUT I would be shocked if he isn't at OU next season. Why would he quit? That would mean no scholarship period,not just D-1.
Statistically speaking I think he will be similar to CJ Washington, but hopefully he can alter some shots on the defensive end and have a greater impact. This isn't meant to slight CJ in anyway.
CJ was a star at Connors averaging 20 points and 12 boards a game. Goff is averaging 9 points and 6 boards a game.
CJ was a star at Connors averaging 20 points and 12 boards a game. Goff is averaging 9 points and 6 boards a game.

I'm not sold on Goff, but comparing him to CJ is apples and Oranges.
Lots of talk he's not going to class which means he won't be eligible. Nobody really knows the accuracy of said info because it won't come out until the semester is over.

Lots of talk ... all coming from you over and over.
Maybe he's "following" him on twitter?

Nah...don't twitter and don't stalk on facebook. I have premium memberships at other sites (2 to be exact). Both of them have different posters saying he's not going to class and won't be in Norman next fall.
BOB is not the only person who has said this. Two things are heavily rumored about Goff - 1. He's not going to make it to OU academically. 2. If he somehow does, he's lazy and isn't going to contribute much.
He's the 5th best player on his juco team.
I am wondering if Salt City Sooner has watched Goff play this year and could give us his thoughts. Always has good insight on the Hutch guys.