Roy Williams... still a jerk

Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

He should be suspended by the school for at least a game. He should not collect $200.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

I get mad when opposing fans yell at our players during their free throw attempts at the Lloyd Noble Center, but it's their right to do it.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

Actuallly that is a content based violation of the guys free speech rights. North Carolina is a state actor and cannot remove a person for things they say, unless it is obscene.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

Another whiney Dookie with a typewriter.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

So if that fan challenged UNC and Roy on violating his constitutional rights, what would be a likely outcome?
and the hits keep coming. I wonder when somebody in the national media will call him out
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

Man I did know coaches could do this. I have three games this week and I am going to try and pull this off before xmas break. Wish me luck.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

Hey Roy! While you're at it could you please boot that girl with the blood curdling screech? Unless that sort of thing is acceptable up in the mountains...
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

Roy Williams is a wimp, that's pathetic he had a fan kicked out.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

So if that fan challenged UNC and Roy on violating his constitutional rights, what would be a likely outcome?

I think the fan wins. You can't do what Roy did when it is a state school. If it were a private school or a professional sporting event it is totally different but Roy is a state actor.
Re: Roy Williams... still an ass

I think the fan wins. You can't do what Roy did when it is a state school. If it were a private school or a professional sporting event it is totally different but Roy is a state actor.

Sorry but no. Read the ticket the guy PURCHASED to be there.
Tickets don't change the Constitution or the North Carolina Constitution. You have any law for you concept is it just your opinion?
I would think that the fans around the ACC are going to give Williams and his team --------------------------------------------------------------more grief than usual because of this.
Roy Williams must be an IDIOT!

A paying fan from the opposite team can't say miss a free throw?
The man was also further embarrassed by the security/cops. Questioned their reasoning and it seemed like they were ready to use force. Grabbing his shirt, pushing from behind, and yanking his arm. I seriously doubt he deserved to be treated in such a manner. The guy looked sober and non-confrontational. This kind of thing is definitely bothersome. He at least deserves a public apology.
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Is their confirmation that these tickets were purchased?

From what I have read, they almsot sound like they were the player guest tickets which are given out free at team member's discretion.
Is their confirmation that these tickets were purchased?

From what I have read, they almsot sound like they were the player guest tickets which are given out free at team member's discretion.

I thought it sounded that way too, but i also realize that might just be RW arrogance coming out