Roy Williams... still a jerk

Well, it actually wouldn't be slander because they never made a false statement of fact. They said it was in the officer's opinion, which is totally in his right to have that opinion if he honestly feels that way.

I do not believe couching defamation in the form of opinion eliminate liability for defamation. Prosser (he is the Einstein of tort law) says "the form of the langauge used is not controlling, and there may be defamation by means of a question, an ideirct insinuation, an expression of belief or opinion, or sarcasm or irony".
The opininion was that of the officers, not of UNC. UNC stated what the officers opinion was. I do believe there would be defamation if UNC had just come out and said "He was drunk." I would also think intent would be looked at. It didn't seem very malicious in nature.
This was during the two game stretch where we beat Missouri and KU back to back when they were both ranked number one.

You have your years mixed up. That was the 89-90 season with Jackie Jones and Skeeter Henry. Missouri was ranked pretty high when we beat them in the 94-95 season, 9th or 10th I think, but they weren't the number 1 team.