Russian tanks, artillery, aircraft, etc being deployed in Syria

"Skeptics instantly did the arithmetic: If that's all we get for $500 million, it comes to almost $9 million per fighter — and the trainees haven't even made it onto the battlefield yet.

Actually, a Pentagon official said, only $36 million has been spent so far, and some of that includes start-up costs for a program that still aims for 15,000 trainees — just much more slowly than expected."

What's holding up the training program? The Pentagon wanted to make sure no Islamic extremists slipped into the training pool, so it imposed a tough vetting process that scrutinized applicants one by one. Of the 7,000 applicants Carter mentioned, only about 1,700 have made it through the screening so far.

"The vetting has been truly glacial," said Fred Hof of the Atlantic Council, a former Obama administration diplomat. "The biggest fear is that one of these guys will show up in a picture with a three-foot beard, holding a U.S. antitank weapon and shouting 'Allahu akbar.' That's understandable, but it makes it almost impossible to get from here to there."

Another hitch: The Pentagon requires Syrian recruits to pledge that after their training, they would fight only against Islamic State — not against the government of Bashar Assad. Administration lawyers imposed that rule, arguing that Congress hasn't authorized military action against Assad. But for many Syrian rebels, it's a deal-breaker.

"If you insist on working only with Syrians who won't fight the Assad government, it's very difficult to find able-bodied fighters," said Robert S. Ford, a former U.S. ambassador to Syria.

So let's sum up. $500 million was authorized, but due to various speed bumps only $36 million has been spent. Contrast this with George W Bush. He promised to spend $50 billion and trillions later we're still spending.

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So let's sum up. $500 million was authorized, but due to various speed bumps only $36 million has been spent. Contrast this with George W Bush. He promised to spend $50 billion and trillions later we're still spending.

Regardless of all that, we (at Obama's decision) are spending $10 million a day in the ISIS campaign, and some sort of expensive involvement will probably be in place for awhile. How long probably depends on what the Russians do, but I bet they work out some sort of sanction-ending deal with the West.

I wouldn't say we are putting people in harms way and spending a lot of money if we didn't care. We obviously care about what is going on in Iran, Iraq, Syria, and Yemen. It's in the news all the time. Our foreign policy has been centered around it for a long time, and still is. Of course there are other things going on in Eastern Europe and Asia, but we are more directly involved in the Middle East than anywhere else. We still have 13,000 men, combined with NATO forces, in Afghanistan right now.
What in the hell are we doing? Putin is playing chess and the US is playing checkers.
Silly neocon talking point, then

None of what you said changes the fact that we spent $500 million to train 60 people.
Refuted, then

Regardless of all that, we (at Obama's decision) are spending $10 million a day in the ISIS campaign.
Actually we are spending $9.1 million per day of which 2/3 are for targeted air strikes. $9.1 annualized is $3.3 billion. Sounds like a lot of money until you realize the most recent defense budget is $579 billion. So the ISIS campaign amounts to .0057 of the defense budget. That's how big of an issue it is, 57/100 of 1 percent. A rounding error. ISIS Spending Detail

It's in the news all the time.
No, it really isn't. It's an exaggerated conservative talking point most likely to be mentioned on Fox News to keep their lemmings in fear.
Actually we are spending $9.1 million per day of which 2/3 are for targeted air strikes. $9.1 annualized is $3.3 billion. Sounds like a lot of money until you realize the most recent defense budget is $579 billion. So the ISIS campaign amounts to .0057 of the defense budget. That's how big of an issue it is, 57/100 of 1 percent. A rounding error. ISIS Spending Detail

I'll concede that.

Refuted, then

Ok, still a waste of $36 million... Now they are saying those guys we trained handed their equipment we gave them over to ISIS, lol. It was a failed program, period. There is no refuting that part.

No, it really isn't. It's an exaggerated conservative talking point most likely to be mentioned on Fox News to keep their lemmings in fear.

Today's headlines on CNN:
Obama, Putin Meet Face to Face to discuss Ukraine and Syria
Iranian Leader mocks GOP for incompetence
Iraq, Iran, Russia, Syria team up on ISIS

Today's Headline on BBC:
"World Leaders focus on Syria at UN"
"Russia Pushes for Anti-ISIS Coalition"
"Taliban Seize Afghan City"
"Does the Army still control Pakistan?"
"The west is failing to provide leadership in Syria"

Today's Headlines on NBC News
All Eyes on Putin and Obama
Obama says we must do more for Syrian Refugees
Why your breakfast cereal costs so much
Teen shoplifter dies in policy custody
Pope backs Kim Davis in gay marriage battle

Today's Headline on CBS News
Obama and Putin to meet over Syria
All eyes on Putin
Putin talks gay rights

Today's Headline on Fox News
Obama, Putin to meet over Middle East
Bill Clinton blames GOP for Hillary email scandal
Taliban forces break into prison in Afghanistan
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lol you're headlines are from the day Obama hammered Putin, W & Trump in a speech at the United Nations. Tell you what Big, post the headlines from those 5 sources Wednesday and we'll see what they are.

Classic that Obama said "never give up on peace" in a toast and clinked glasses with those around him except Putin who sat there looking like a fool.

Also great job by Obama once again highlighting how the U.S. blew it invading Iraq by ignoring the international community and we are still paying the price today.
Ok, still a waste of $36 million... Now they are saying those guys we trained handed their equipment we gave them over to ISIS, lol. It was a failed program, period. There is no refuting that part.

The program is ongoing. None of the trainees have yet reached the battlefield. I think you have this program confused with the "surge" and the Sunni forces in Iraq we trained and armed who ran away because they hated the W appointed Shiite government.

Can't say the current training program is failed because it really hasn't even started other than the setup costs. But that misses the entire point that the main goal of the current program and the lions are of money is being spent on targeted bombing missions which have been wildly successful. ISIS is in retreat. They have not gained any new territory. To the contrary they have lost 30% of the territory they controlled when we started the program.

That is a massive success. Putin is coming in trying to prop up Assad and Obama will not allow it and has the world on his side.
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lol you're headlines are from the day Obama hammered Putin, W & Trump in a speech at the United Nations. Tell you what Big, post the headlines from those 5 sources Wednesday and we'll see what they are.

I've been following the situation in Syria and with ISIS closely since it started. I have full confidence they will still be in the headlines come Wednesday. :)

Also great job by Obama once again highlighting how the U.S. blew it invading Iraq by ignoring the international community and we are still paying the price today.

Hassan Rouhani said the exact same thing. US invasion of Iraq caused this. That's nearly a universally accepted concept at this point, minus a few hard-core neocons.

The program is ongoing. None of the trainees have yet reached the battlefield. I think you have this program confused with the "surge" and the Sunni forces in Iraq we trained and armed who ran away because they hated the W appointed Shiite government.

Haha, no, I am not confusing the programs. They were both total failures, well, given that the Syrian rebel training is only a few months old it may not be a total failure but it doesn't look good so far.. The wary will be over before they have any sizable manpower trained under this program.

In fact, all of our attempts in Syria, Iraq, and Afghanistan to train, fund, equip, etc local armies has failed pretty hard. Iraqi forces just ran away, the Syrian forces haven't even touched the front line yet 5 years into the war, and the Afghans are ineffective.

Can't say the current training program is failed because it really hasn't even started other than the setup costs. But that misses the entire point that the main goal of the current program and the lions are of money is being spent on targeted bombing missions which have been wildly successful. ISIS is in retreat. They have not gained any new territory. To the contrary they have lost 30% of the territory they controlled when we started the program.

They started in May with the training of rebels, we will see where the program is next May. Will be interesting to see what the status of the war is in May.

That is a massive success. Putin is coming in trying to prop up Assad and Obama will not allow it and has the world on his side.

Russia and Iran are not going to give up on Assad. He will be part of the final political solution, I predict. Obama will bend on that. He will have to go at some point, but he will probably end up being part of some transitional government. Some European leaders are already bending on this.

The Russian strategy seems solid... the Syrians have a legitimate conventional army to fight ISIS and Al-Qaeda. They have an air force. They have tanks, soldiers, equipment, coordination, etc. It is better to use the Syrian Army to fight ISIS than rebel groups who lack coordination, leadership, resources, etc.

Use the rebel groups AND Syrian army to kill ISIS, and then bring a political solution to the table between the rebels and the regime.
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btw here are the current CNN top stories.

Top stories
3 h
NASA: Water flows on Mars
5 h
Obama hits GOP, Putin at U.N.
2 h
City is 'in hand of enemies'
58 m
Clinton to Bush: That's insulting
Dow tumbles 300 points
3 h
The Pope came, left and did this
1 h
FBI: Crime did this in 2014
Noah: 'Daily Show' has 'new vision'
53 m
Kevin McCarthy running House Speaker
NFL player's wife arrested after loss
Huge plane makes scary landing
New CNN main headline:
Putin Steals Obamas Thunder at the UN:

UN session opens with focus on Syria

  • Water on Mars
  • Taliban holds Afghan City
  • Trump tax plan
  • Carly is pro water-boarding
  • Dow tumbles 300 points
  • Plane makes scary landing

Main headline on BBC:

Russia considers joining IS airstrikes

  • Taliban overrun city
  • Castro calls for embargo to end
  • Canada leaders clash over ISIS fight
  • Water on mars
  • Can leaders find consensus on Syria?

They aren't going to stop talking about Syria... it will be the central consistent theme of the week, along with climate change probably (I haven't seen an agenda for the week).. It started with Syria, it will end with Syria, and they will keep talking about Syria if Russia steps up involvement or even stays involved.

They obviously care.
As promised, Wednesday Headlines:

Putin Launches First Syria Airstrike

Russia Begins Airstrikes against Syrian Opposition

NBC News:
Putin gets the green light for Syria

BBC News:
Russia Begins Syria Air Strikes

CBS News: Russian Jets Join the Syrian War

Probably a bad day for this exercise, as Russia started military action today.
Nice try. Here are the real CNN top stories.

Top stories
48 m
Woman apologizes at execution
37 m
Joaquin becomes a hurricane
1 h
Iran leader threatens Saudi Arabia
U.S. pulls spies from China
2 h
Fiorina's Senate race meltdown
2 h
Fraud claims follow Trump on trail
13 m
Planned Parenthood boss testifies
7 m
Warren Jeffs' kids allege sex abuse
40 m
School shooter's dad is guilty
Tesla unveils luxe electric SUV
3 m
Kim Davis met Pope, lawyer says
What? If I go to RIGHT NOW, the big picture BREAKING NEWS headline is a gigantic pic of Vladimir Putin and a story that says "Putin launches first airstrike in Syria"
List the top stories. I just cut and paste. The Internet is about links, not pictures. Unless you're 80 years old or seeking porn.
List the top stories. I just cut and paste. The Internet is about links, not pictures. Unless you're 80 years old or seeking porn.

hahahaha.... The way news sites are designed is to attract attention. Meaning the story with the gigantic banner, picture, gigantic text, etc is the main headline. Then, inside of the gigantic banner which represents 40% of the damn real estate on the screen are sub-stories about the main story.

Come on dude...

Russia launching airstrikes on Syria is obviously the big story of the day. Not the pope talking to some ***** in Kentucky, Tesla revealing a new SUV, etc.
Are you honestly going to tell me that Russia/Syria isn't the main headline of the day? And that the headlines of seed bearing sexters, Kim davis and the pope, woman gets executed, etc are the top stories?



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George Will makes an interesting point here... that Civil Wars don't end with compromises.

He cites the English civil war, American Civil War, Spanish Civil War, Russian Civil War, Chinese Civil War, etc... All ended with a side clearly winning.

Others I could think of:

  • Vietnamese Civil War ended with the North Vietnamese victory and capture of Saigon.
  • The Korean Civil War is technically not over and neither side has won or come to some kind of agreement

Maybe someone does need to win this thing... maybe there won't be some kind of peaceful agreement that gets ushered in. I can't really think of an example where that happened.

Help me out here.
lol @ George Will. Has that retard ever been right on anything? Total clown. Perfect example of a beltway spinmeister manipulator that Obama despises and has shredded.
It's hilarious that I said this was not big news outside of the Fox News bubble of propaganda ... ABD disputes this ... then posts a link to Fox News citing one of the leading purveyors of right wing propaganda George Will. lol @ anybody picking Putin to outmaneuver Obama. Obama has belittled and shredded Putin on the world stage consistently. To the point Putin is dropping bombs in Syria nowhere near ISIS to get attention. Nobody is paying attention to his foolishness except lemmings.
And actually Tesla releasing the Model X is the biggest news of the day. It's a real story about real innovation that is revolutionary and will change the world.

Tesla is disrupting two of the large industries in the world. The auto industry and the energy industry. This story has staying power and will impact billions of people over the next decades.

Incredible technology. An all electric 7 seat SUV with state of the art engineering that will go from 0-60 faster than a Porsche 911.