Self and KU implicated by defense

I would say there in deep, but with the NCAA and how they protect certain basketball schools I will have to see it to believe it.....just remember Kelvin got hammered for freaking text messages.....not buying players
Self should be fired but I doubt it'll happen.
I'm really trying not to get my hopes up.
Those text are blatant examples of Self's wanton disregard of rules. Dirty, dirty.
Coach K said college basketball is cleaner than you think. Fact has it that Duke has been one of the cheaters the last 3-4 years.
If this was OU, we’d get the death penalty.

Since it’s KU and perfect bill self, the NCAA will look the other way. At most, they’ll get a slap on the wrist and bill self will be coach of the year for overcoming this adversity cuz he’s such a straight shooter.
If this was OU, we’d get the death penalty.

Since it’s KU and perfect bill self, the NCAA will look the other way. At most, they’ll get a slap on the wrist and bill self will be coach of the year for overcoming this adversity cuz he’s such a straight shooter.

you got that right
Nothing will happen although it should. Ku should lose 10 schollies for 5 years!
KU should be dead after yesterdays news. Asst. coach talking openly about it.
What I'm afraid will happen in this deal is that seeing how it is so widespread the NCAA will just say everyone gets a pass and from this point forward things are going to be different.

What I'd like to see happen, and I know it never will, is all these schools that are getting caught be given a blanket post season and scholarship ban for 2-3 years and allow eligible players to transfer with no restrictions and immediately eligible to play. Players that choose to stay that are on scholarship will be allowed but know they won't participate in the post season for as long as they are there.
What I'd like to see happen, and I know it never will, is all these schools that are getting caught be given a blanket post season and scholarship ban for 2-3 years and allow eligible players to transfer with no restrictions and immediately eligible to play. Players that choose to stay that are on scholarship will be allowed but know they won't participate in the post season for as long as they are there.

What would pi$$ me off would be giving a pass or taking away 2 or 3 ships even for multiple years. Letting those teams still have 10 or 11 ships isn't anything more than a speeding ticket. Instead of losing ships, one year post season ban next season not this season. That give kids time to evaluate transferring. Letters of intent voided for this year.
Interesting KC Star column pointing the finger at the NCAA not at Bill Self and the other coaches involved in this scandal.

Shame on you Sam Mellinger!

How much does Self pay for Mellinger to be his publicist, lol. I'm sure Self is going to rock a system that KU has benefited from for years and years.

The one thing this trial has proven is these coaches KNOW this is going on and are complicit. Before, we thought they knew but now everyone KNOWS they do.

I hope that reform happens, it is needed in the seedy world of shoe companies, street agents, etc.