I have never been able to find cumulative statistics for the team. Patty does not publish them. during the season you can get each individuals personal stats and add them up. But those numbers may not be available for 2016 with the new format released by SoonerSports.com. You can also add the box scores for individual games to calculate your own cumulative stats.
SoonerStats.com has softball rosters, season won/loss record and conference won/loss record going back to 1975 but that is the only information I can get for national team rankings with the stat for 2015 at NCAA.com for each individual stat. (BA., HR/game, scoring, SLG%, etc.). Cumulative team batting, pitching and fielding are available at big12sports.com. Big 12sports.com also provides individual stats for the conference leaders.
I would really like a stat source as well but I have concluded Patty does not want to pu that data published. I can get that info for virtually every opponent we play at their school athletics web site. The statistical data for all the other OU sports is available at SoonerSports.com but I have never seen any one softball except by clicking on each individual on the roster for their personal stat by year and career.
Syb may have a source but I have never been able to locate any that provide complete team cumulative stats.