Summer Pick-Up Game Report #5

Yeah, I agree.

It may start out like this.


but it won't be long until it looks like this..

Wright or Fitz or Allen
I dont care what anyone says....if cade and wright start we are in trouble...EXP if they start together...cade is a roll player and would be lucky to touch the floor on any other big time programs...and wright is the same way...wright is a good rebounder and i can see him filling in minutes and doing a good job at that but thats it...I dont think Cade should get very many minutes at all...I think we sometimes loose track of the big picture and thats to win a championship...
so why dont we go through the growing pains of ray willis...maybe loose a few games early because of him...but he will develop and by mid season he will be a HUGE contributor in ways that cade cannot do....
as far as wright I think the same goes...let fitzgerald or allen play the minutes to get them ready by mid season...

wright and cade are prob the "SAFEST" choices but they are not going to win you a game...being safe doesnt win championships and you having to be willing to loose a few games to gain that valuable experience from guys like willis, fitz, and allen
I dont care what anyone says....if cade and wright start we are in trouble...EXP if they start together...cade is a roll player and would be lucky to touch the floor on any other big time programs...and wright is the same way...wright is a good rebounder and i can see him filling in minutes and doing a good job at that but thats it...I dont think Cade should get very many minutes at all...I think we sometimes loose track of the big picture and thats to win a championship...
so why dont we go through the growing pains of ray willis...maybe loose a few games early because of him...but he will develop and by mid season he will be a HUGE contributor in ways that cade cannot do....
as far as wright I think the same goes...let fitzgerald or allen play the minutes to get them ready by mid season...

wright and cade are prob the "SAFEST" choices but they are not going to win you a game...being safe doesnt win championships and you having to be willing to loose a few games to gain that valuable experience from guys like willis, fitz, and allen

Hasn't Fitz been described as an undersized freshman? I don't mind him being undersized but I'm not sure those two attributes equal a starter. Now maybe by mid year he's doing some things and proving to be too valuable to sit on the bench but it all depends on how well Wright and even Allen are playing. I just happen to believe we'll see a more improved Wright this year. I think the same work (coaching) that was done w/Longar we'll see out of Wright this year.

Do NOT underestimate Cade freaking Davis. When he is stroking the ball he is extremely valuable on the court. Another year of coaching and maturity will do him a lot of good. We shall see.
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thats a big "WHEN" he is stroking...and now we have pledger to do the shooting we wont need him as much...we should play pledger for cade and willis when we want more athletes on the floor
I also have a feeling that Cade will have a good year. I sure hope he does as a good consistent Davis would be very valuable to this team since we will be short on experience.
How many chances do we give this kid? When has he proven he can consistently knock down the three? I saw a game or two were he got hot...but thats only a few games out of the hole year...
I have seen players who didn't come alive until their junior years. One former Sooner by the name of Stacy King comes to mind. He wasn't all that until his junior year when he exploded. There is still time for Cade to become more consistent.
So now we are comparing Stacy king to Cade Davis...this is a Joke...look all im saying is we have given this kid enough chances last year...I am all for giving guys chances when they have big upsides...he had an "important" upside in terms of last year because everyone was hoping he would come alive and shoot consistently...that never happened and im not sure that will ever we have pledger that makes cade less important.....Cade will get some playing time...but it should be minimal unless he comes in and hits threes right away.
I hope Cade Davis proves my thoughts about him wrong.
I hope so to...but there comes a time when you have to give the more talented players a chance early in the season, against lesser competition to get their growing pains willis, pledger, and fitz.....I am a huge willis fan, everyone is right he didnt deserve to play last year...but i hope we give him a chance early before the games actually mean something
You don't staple a kid to the bench that works his tail off for going on three years when he has shown flashes of potential, which Cade has done. Cade is an athletic guy, but didn't get many chances to show that last year. Forget about his perimeter shooting for a second. If he can come in and show improvement in other areas of his game, I wouldn't be against him getting major minutes. If you've read the reports, you will see that Cade is adding new dimensions to his game, and goes 100% all the time. He's steady, which is something we need more than anything with so many new players trying to gel together. Stability is so important it is not even funny.

If you still have the image of a simple three-point specialist, that doesn't describe Cade's game. And remember, he has another year of coaching under him, and so far all the players have improved as they have spent more time under Coach Capel and the staff.

It is far too early to just come out and say if you don't come out and play lights out, you're off to the bench so a frosh can play, I don't care how hard you've been working. Let Pledger earn starter minutes instead of just deferring them to him because of minimal faith in a junior who actually has improved each season. Nobody is saying he should have 30 minutes a game, that's up to the coaches to decide. Still, Coach Capel has increased Cade's minutes each season. That tells me something.
So now we are comparing Stacy king to Cade Davis...this is a Joke...look all im saying is we have given this kid enough chances last year...I am all for giving guys chances when they have big upsides...he had an "important" upside in terms of last year because everyone was hoping he would come alive and shoot consistently...that never happened and im not sure that will ever we have pledger that makes cade less important.....Cade will get some playing time...but it should be minimal unless he comes in and hits threes right away.
No, it's not a joke. It took Stacy 2 years before he hit his stride. Cade could do the exact same thing. No one is saying Cade will be an All-American. But, to say his time is past to be a good player is premature.
So now we are comparing Stacy king to Cade Davis...this is a Joke.

Why is it a joke? Believe me, entering his junior year, NO ONE expected the kind of improvement King made. We won't know for two more years how much Cade ends up improving, but who's to say he won't make a similar jump in production?

No one's guaranteeing he will, but he could. It remains to be seen.
I agree with pledger having to EARN starter minutes...but I was refering that we should let him try to earn those minutes early in the season when the games are with lesser competition...
So I am confused now...I thought everyone was classifying Cade as a three point specialist?
Other than consistency, which I think what you mean is he doesnt make alot of mistakes, what does he bring?
Maybe some rebounding and hustling...
Some of these guys who have not had as many chances to play will hustle also....if they are unwilling to hustle then yes your right, bench them
But hustling alone does not give you minutes

So your telling me that you were happy with Cade getting some of those minutes going into the north carolina game?
I believe strongly that if we would have stayed with ray willis and gone through some growing pains with him we would have been much better suited in that game then with Cade.
Yes, cade will allow us to win more games just due to the fact that he doesnt make mistakes....But I am less concerned about our record and more concered about winning a title, and I do not believe Cade's ability gives us the best chance

Now when you say Cade is more athletic I would have to agree with you...someone a while back posted his highschool slam dunk competition and I was quit shocked at his ability to dunk and jump...but were is that!? I have yet to see it so I have to assume he cannot do it at a high level college program
I agree with pledger having to EARN starter minutes...but I was refering that we should let him try to earn those minutes early in the season when the games are with lesser competition...
So I am confused now...I thought everyone was classifying Cade as a three point specialist?
Other than consistency, which I think what you mean is he doesnt make alot of mistakes, what does he bring?
Maybe some rebounding and hustling...
Some of these guys who have not had as many chances to play will hustle also....if they are unwilling to hustle then yes your right, bench them
But hustling alone does not give you minutes

So your telling me that you were happy with Cade getting some of those minutes going into the north carolina game?
I believe strongly that if we would have stayed with ray willis and gone through some growing pains with him we would have been much better suited in that game then with Cade.
Yes, cade will allow us to win more games just due to the fact that he doesnt make mistakes....But I am less concerned about our record and more concered about winning a title, and I do not believe Cade's ability gives us the best chance

Now when you say Cade is more athletic I would have to agree with you...someone a while back posted his highschool slam dunk competition and I was quit shocked at his ability to dunk and jump...but were is that!? I have yet to see it so I have to assume he cannot do it at a high level college program

Dude... really? REALLY?

I'll comment on the entire message as a whole, but that one little part caught my eye right off. That is some optimism right there. I don't think one player would have impacted that game's final result besides another superstar. Also, if Ray Willis was meant to be out there, I would have thought Coach would find some minutes for him last year. He was a freshman, and it was obvious watching him play that he was wet behind the ears a little, which I suppose does support the "play him more and work out the growing pains" argument, but Ray kind of placed himself behind the ball with his arrest. It was a dumb mistake, but not one that merited a dismissal from the team. He just made a mistake, and decreased playing time was part of that punishment. Coach has to maintain control of his team.

When I say he (Cade) is consistent, I do mean he doesn't make glaring mistakes. He's not going to lose a game for you by making foolish or selfish decisions. That is one of things I hear most often with Ray: he needs to learn how to fully incorporate his teammates into the game. He may not be a 1, but if he was fully game ready, I would have thought Capel would have given him the minutes that reflected that. With another year under the coaches, maybe he shows he deserves those minutes and Coach gives it to him. I wouldn't be disappointed if that was what the coaches felt was for the betterment of the team.

As far as Cade not showing his athletic ability more often, he was playing within the role Coach Capel assigned to him - which I'm sure must be another reason Coach Capel trusts him by increasing his minutes each season. The shoulder injury set him back a bit early in his D1 career, but once he got into the swing of things he showed the potential for a sweet stroke. The thing is, our entire offense flowed through Blake, and rightfully so. Even a dynamite scorer like Willie only averaged in the low teens because we were a post-dominated offense. Pouring some guard-hot-sauce onto the gameplan is not the smartest move when you have the consensus #1 NBA draft pick on your team. This year may see Cade have the freedom to utilize more parts of his game as the offense is going to be initiated from the perimeter most times, and built around Willie getting to the basket. I expect to see a boatload of Willie cutting to the basket and then passing out to the perimeter if he doesn't take the shot himself, with the option of dumping it off to Tiny or Big O. On that same token, I wouldn't be surprised to see our other guards take it inside more often to free up Willie on the outside. We have some slashers on this team, Cade included. Personally, I hope Cade refines his mid-range game. I think if he can become a mid-range/perimeter threat, he could earn himself even more minutes.

Once again, I am not against Ray Willis getting more minutes, and I wouldn't even be upset if some of those minutes were Cade's, but I want him to have earned them with hard work and savvy play. I want to see him do exactly what the coaches ask of him, take smart shots and make good decisions. I want to see him handle his business on the practice court, on campus, outside of campus, on Mars, etc. Basically, play within the role the coaches give him - like Cade.

If he does that, then he deserves increased minutes.
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Cade has the ability and has shown flashes of it. Has he not? He seems to play too fast at times but that isn't a rarity among freshmen and sophomores. I don't know how many air balls I've seen out of him when it appeared he rushed his shot or broke concentration. I think Cade can be a silky smooth type guy that is if he plays within himself more. If you notice most silky smooth types don't have Jordan-esque type skills but they seem to play the game at a slower more effective pace than anyone else. I think Cade has this type of ability and effectiveness. As a junior I expect Cade to put this on display this year. I could be wrong... it won't be the first time. ;)
I'll never give up on Cade. This kid has something to contribute. I really think he answers the bell this year in some capacity. It may not be in the shooting department, but that's where I hope it is. I for one am rooting for CADERADE! BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!
Dude... really? REALLY?

I'll comment on the entire message as a whole, but that one little part caught my eye right off. That is some optimism right there. I don't think one player would have impacted that game's final result besides another superstar. Also, if Ray Willis was meant to be out there, I would have thought Coach would find some minutes for him last year. He was a freshman, and it was obvious watching him play that he was wet behind the ears a little, which I suppose does support the "play him more and work out the growing pains" argument, but Ray kind of placed himself behind the ball with his arrest. It was a dumb mistake, but not one that merited a dismissal from the team. He just made a mistake, and decreased playing time was part of that punishment. Coach has to maintain control of his team.

When I say he (Cade) is consistent, I do mean he doesn't make glaring mistakes. He's not going to lose a game for you by making foolish or selfish decisions. That is one of things I hear most often with Ray: he needs to learn how to fully incorporate his teammates into the game. He may not be a 1, but if he was fully game ready, I would have thought Capel would have given him the minutes that reflected that. With another year under the coaches, maybe he shows he deserves those minutes and Coach gives it to him. I wouldn't be disappointed if that was what the coaches felt was for the betterment of the team.

As far as Cade not showing his athletic ability more often, he was playing within the role Coach Capel assigned to him - which I'm sure must be another reason Coach Capel trusts him by increasing his minutes each season. The shoulder injury set him back a bit early in his D1 career, but once he got into the swing of things he showed the potential for a sweet stroke. The thing is, our entire offense flowed through Blake, and rightfully so. Even a dynamite scorer like Willie only averaged in the low teens because we were a post-dominated offense. Pouring some guard-hot-sauce onto the gameplan is not the smartest move when you have the consensus #1 NBA draft pick on your team. This year may see Cade have the freedom to utilize more parts of his game as the offense is going to be initiated from the perimeter most times, and built around Willie getting to the basket. I expect to see a boatload of Willie cutting to the basket and then passing out to the perimeter if he doesn't take the shot himself, with the option of dumping it off to Tiny or Big O. On that same token, I wouldn't be surprised to see our other guards take it inside more often to free up Willie on the outside. We have some slashers on this team, Cade included. Personally, I hope Cade refines his mid-range game. I think if he can become a mid-range/perimeter threat, he could earn himself even more minutes.

Once again, I am not against Ray Willis getting more minutes, and I wouldn't even be upset if some of those minutes were Cade's, but I want him to have earned them with hard work and savvy play. I want to see him do exactly what the coaches ask of him, take smart shots and make good decisions. I want to see him handle his business on the practice court, on campus, outside of campus, on Mars, etc. Basically, play within the role the coaches give him - like Cade.

If he does that, then he deserves increased minutes.

What was that roll? In my opinion by how capel how him on court, the roll was to come in and knock down threes...when you look at the numbers alone he was the seventh best three point shooting percentage...if you say his roll was to rebound he averaged 1.7 rebounds a game which is 9th best on the team....if you say his roll was to be a good free throw shooter he shot .656 from the strip this year which was 9th best on the team also....if you say his roll was to just have a high field goal percentage as a whole he shot .383 which is 8th best on the team....if you say his roll was to have a assits he got a total of 33 assists in 15 minutes a game..omar leary had 38 assits in only 10 minutes a I would like to know exactly what his roll is??
He doesnt turn the ball over alot, but heck we can put anywere in there and tell them not to shoot and immediately pass it back to people that will not have high turnovers...just as confused everyone is on how I see the greatness in ray willis, i am equally confused on what people see in CAde...he is a great kid that works hard I am away of that before someone replies and says that...

So on that note, you are telling me you are happy with Cade getting all the minutes last year and him being the one coming in with the experience...Or sitting right now would you rather have a better offensive ray willis have the minutes last year and come into this year with the experience and already have gotten his growing pains out?
What was that roll? In my opinion by how capel how him on court, the roll was to come in and knock down threes...when you look at the numbers alone he was the seventh best three point shooting percentage...if you say his roll was to rebound he averaged 1.7 rebounds a game which is 9th best on the team....if you say his roll was to be a good free throw shooter he shot .656 from the strip this year which was 9th best on the team also....if you say his roll was to just have a high field goal percentage as a whole he shot .383 which is 8th best on the team....if you say his roll was to have a assits he got a total of 33 assists in 15 minutes a game..omar leary had 38 assits in only 10 minutes a I would like to know exactly what his roll is??
He doesnt turn the ball over alot, but heck we can put anywere in there and tell them not to shoot and immediately pass it back to people that will not have high turnovers...just as confused everyone is on how I see the greatness in ray willis, i am equally confused on what people see in CAde...he is a great kid that works hard I am away of that before someone replies and says that...

I think it's role not role lmao...
I know its role i obviously didnt proof read.

Also your comment makes no sense...role not role...think that one through buddy