Syracuse Jim Boeheim Hits, Kills Man With Vehicle

Actually the second hasn't been confirmed yet.
And there is a third...was he distracted and/or on his phone

The best mediator in oklahoma told me last year that over half of his mediations used to be drunk driving cases.. now over half are cell phone distracted driving cases
The critical point is that unless police have probable cause at the scene, they can't just arrest someone and hold them while they investigate. Sounds like they already ruled out alcohol, other issues will obviously take longer to look into. Who knows, maybe he voluntary gave them his phone and they could see that he hadn't been texting or talking. In any event, the Constitution doesn't allow police to arrest anyone, famous or not, just because they think he "might" have been distracted. Let's let it all play out before we draw any conclusions.
Sad news. Sound like he won’t be facing any charges unless they discover something new at a later date.

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Actually the second hasn't been confirmed yet.
And there is a third...was he distracted and/or on his phone

Really? They determined my speed in about 5 minutes. They analyze the skid marks. They can get a pretty good idea from that if he was speeding. Again, those are the two biggest factors...unless u also have first-hand knowledge of the protocol. The complete investigation will still take several days. The car, drivable or not, is in police custody and will stay there until the investigation is complete. Still, unless there is a smoking gun somewhere, nothing further will come of this from a legal standpoint.

This makes it pretty clear that he did absolutely nothing wrong. Short of having on night vision goggles, no way he could have seen the guy in these circumstances.

In other coaching news, looks like Will Wade is going to be facing some uncomfortable media sessions in the coming days based on the latest info about what he was recorded discussing in phone calls!

This makes it pretty clear that he did absolutely nothing wrong. Short of having on night vision goggles, no way he could have seen the guy in these circumstances.

In other coaching news, looks like Will Wade is going to be facing some uncomfortable media sessions in the coming days based on the latest info about what he was recorded discussing in phone calls!

TCU & Creighton as well