The energizer Buddy

I know some posters have expressed a weariness for these type of stories. But, others haven't. So I'll tell it.

The last two years I've made most all of the early practices. After a couple of games into the regular season, I get back to my normal activities. A Kruger routine has developed. He will come out on the floor 5/10 min. before the start of practice. Part of that time he may speak to an individual player or asst. or two. But, he will always walk down the row and greet whoever showed up to watch practice.

It is most always just a quick handshake and greeting and then on he goes. But, for one or two he will give alittle chit chat time. It is easy to read, he will give alittle hesitation and whoever it is will have a moment for a comment or question.

When my turns came around, I would never ask a question about personel, or starters, or stategy, or anything to do with any of that. Firstly, I thought it would be in poor taste and may result in the loss of chit chat time.I would always ask questions of a general nature and the see if I could gleen anything from his answer.

One day a small group came in alittle late. But, at the start of practice I was the only visitor in the gym. That day was going to be my turn for chit chat time.

When Kruger came over for his standard greeting, I asked if he had time to answer a basketball question. He smiled and said "fire away". He was probably thinking what is this moron going to say. But, anyway, I asked if more or less rotation on the ball made for a better or worse shooter. Or did it not make any difference.

This is the answere he gave me. Yes, ball rotation is important. I don't want the knuckle ball look or too much rotation. There is an exact amount that I'm looking for in a shooter. But, between those extremes, it is hard to define. Then he turned toward the court and said, "watch Buddy take a few shots, do you see that rotation, that is exactly what I'm looking for in a shooter."

Then he asked if his answer helped me. I said sure coach, you told me exactly what I was wanting to know.
Good story! thanks... Count me as Buddy fan too!