The New Team


New member
Nov 5, 2008
Reaction score
I'm rather pleased that the addition of a single commit has elicited such a strong positive (mostly) reaction. Usually, we have only had about seven or eight viewers. Recently, we are getting upwards of thirty. Excitement!! Interest!!!

While there may be interest in staff changes and other issues (I've always been a bit concerned about a religious bent, but I've seen no evidence that it has affected anything.), I am a bit more curious about what the recruits say about the direction of the program. I have always felt that Sherri was a bit more like the 2002 team than the team that had four McDonald's All-Americans at the post/power forward positions. She is a guard and seems to know more about what to do with guards.

This year, we have:

Williams, Madi


How do you see that playing out? Most of our quality appears to be in the guards. It is difficult to see any of our interior players as being as good as Llanusa, Williams, Pellington, and Veitenheimer. Even our top reserves will probably be guards.

Will Williston and Lampkin be ready to contribute this year? Given that EJ is our only returnee inside, we will probably play Nydia and Aspen, ready or not. Nydia may end up as a starter.

But, our guards won't exactly be the 5-7 guards that we have had. Our four best are probably 6-1, 6-0, 5-8, and 5-7. Next year, we'll add two that are about 6-1. The guards aren't little any more.

In the McDonald's game, they put Madi on the opponent's post/power forward when she began to score at will. Madi pretty much shut her down. She can also rebound with a power forward. She is a very different kind of guard from what we have traditionally had. Liz Scott and Gabby Gregory will be as well. The Llanusa that I saw in highschool was a bit more physical than she exhibited last year. I watched her play post in the state semi-finals when her own post was ineffective.

I don't know what we have in shooters just yet. I know that Murcer could hit a three. Ana can, although she wasn't all that great as a freshman. They thought she was good enough that they encouraged her to try, often. She just seemed to lose her shot a lot, better in highschool. Taylor is a pure shooter, maybe the best we have ever had. If you have a bunch of drivers, like Madi, Shaina, and Tatum, a kickout can be to a slower, but accurate Taylor.

I think we have had a desire to run. I think we are recruiting the ability. This year is step one. I think Bloom, Gregory, and Scott are more of the completion.
Without seeing most of the new kids live and in person, (only Murcer and Williston) I like to think Sherri has finally got the shooters she so desperately needs. I know Jessi can shoot, so can Ana and Taylor, Madi, etc.. We have kids that can score. Now lets see as the season comes on that they show that with consistency during the season, especially during crunch time. I am excited for the season to start, this could be the start of something special.
I also am looking forward to this year. This young a team will probably have some great games, mixed with a few stinkers because of their youth. But promising and energetic young players are fun to watch develop, and this group has talent.
I am most fascinated by the type of guards that we are bringing in. Jesse and Taylor kind of fit with the type of guard that we usually recruit. But, we don't often have:

6-1 Scott
6-0 Llanusa
6-0 Williams
6-0 Gregory

These are all scorers, and they can rebound. They have the size to compete on the boards. From what I have read, Scott, Williams, and Gregory like to get inside and mix it up. The physical, taller guards is something that we haven't usually had. Whitney and Maddie were tall. But, they both had two ACLs.

Madi is really good on defense. She shut down the opponents post in the All-American game after she went wild for about twelve quick points. She had a little game that she was playing with Christyn Williams, who can score at will. After the game was essentially decided, they were out front, and Christyne was trying to get around Madi. Madi wouldn't let her do anything. She was the better athlete.

I keep hoping that Shaina will learn how good she can be on defense with her quickness. She learned a lot about passing lanes last year. If you get someone covered who is trying to pass, Shaina becomes dangerous. She became good at jumping lanes.

With this many guards who can shoot, it would be nice to have someone in the interior who could just disrupt things a bit and get rebounds. I'd rather have a Walton than a Jabbar with this type of team. Walton was content to get rebounds, block a shot here or there, and let the other guys score.

Aspen, Nydia? Kennedy might be great in this role. Wonder what Amihere would be like? Just create havoc, get a board, and let's run.
Has anybody seen any of the practice sessions? Are any open to the public? And are full practices allowed now? Hope some knowledgeable person can answer practice questions and maybe a scouting report. We lost so many minutes from last year that this squads appearance is going to be waaaay different.
Here are the NCAA rules on practice start:
17.3.2 Preseason Practice -- On-Court Practice. An institution shall not commence on-court preseason basketball practice sessions before the date that is 42 days before the date of the institution's first regular-season contest. An institution shall not engage in more than 30 days of countable athletically related activities before its first regular-season contest. Any countable athletically related activities (e.g., conditioning, skill-related instruction) that occur within the 42-day period shall count against the 30 days of countable athletically related activities.

If I did the math right we can start practicing on 9/28 and have 30 practices before our first game. As I recall before official practices start you are allowed to practice 2 hours a week with the coaching staff. So we are having some workouts over the last few weeks.
Here are the NCAA rules on practice start:
17.3.2 Preseason Practice -- On-Court Practice. An institution shall not commence on-court preseason basketball practice sessions before the date that is 42 days before the date of the institution's first regular-season contest. An institution shall not engage in more than 30 days of countable athletically related activities before its first regular-season contest. Any countable athletically related activities (e.g., conditioning, skill-related instruction) that occur within the 42-day period shall count against the 30 days of countable athletically related activities.

If I did the math right we can start practicing on 9/28 and have 30 practices before our first game. As I recall before official practices start you are allowed to practice 2 hours a week with the coaching staff. So we are having some workouts over the last few weeks.
Thanks. Now if some other kind fan knows if Sherri has any open practices.
She does not to my knowledge. She used to set aside a day early on in practice that fans could come and watch, but no longer. And there have been times that open practices have cropped up, but they are not a regular thing.
At the ice cream social, Sherri said all of their practices were open - they just don’t advertise it. Said anyone was welcome any time.