This is what I would like to see?


New member
Oct 12, 2009
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First things first, I want to see WWIII come out demanding respect and playing up to the preseason pressure. I want to see him lead the team and keep everyone focused. If he picks up his defense intensity and gets to the line more often, he will be a legitimate canidate for POY.

Secondly, I want to see TMG, he is the catalyst. If he comes out and gets confident with the system early, its going to be a fun season. A great PG, thats the one thing you can count on having, on a championship caliber team. To me TMG, is a Jameer Nelson kind of player, fast and strong. A large part of this seasons sucess will be due to TMG playing well.

Thirdly, the PF/C positions, I want to see Tiny banging down low and Ryan snagging rebounds. We need thses guys to step up and play big, they don't have to be the superstar of the team, they just need to play smart and they will get lots of easy shots and rebounds. I hope Drew plays big and shocks everybody. Someone has to be the spark plug, sort of like Juan did last year.

Fourth, I want to see Ray and Cade step up as dangerous 6th men. The play of the bench could be the difference between a good season and a great season. We have good players on the bench, who steps up will remain to be seen. Pledger could end up being our best 6th man, he looks that good to me and could be a starter if WWIII had left. Hopefully what our youthful team lacks in experience, they make up for in Drive and Hustle.
I want to see Crocker play like he can all of the time, then and only then will we have a great year.
Maybe it is just an age thing but I would like to see Willie Warren come out and earn respect by playing harder, faster, and smarter than everyone else. I am not a fan of people demanding respect.
Maybe it is just an age thing but I would like to see Willie Warren come out and earn respect by playing harder, faster, and smarter than everyone else. I am not a fan of people demanding respect.

When people talk about players demanding respect they don't mean verbally they mean playing so well that opposing teams have to game plan around you. At least that is how I have heard it used.
When I said "demand it", I meant he will go out and earn it just like BG did last year. WWIII will demand respect, or he will score 40 points a game. I don't think WWIII will be out on the floor asking the opposing team to respect him, if anything, he would want them to disrespect him, so he can prove them wrong.
huh. I didn't even see "demand respect" as a phrase that could possibly be misinterpreted given the context.

Obviously he will "demand respect" with the quality of his play.
I want to see Crocker play like he can all of the time, then and only then will we have a great year.

I like Tony alot and forgot about him in my post, but I don't think he is the key to this season's success. If Tony plays good Defense and hits the open shot, this team will do great. But his main role, I feel like, will be shutting down the oppossing teams best wing player, that and his leadership. He is a senior and needs to step up and set examples for the underclassmen.
Tony has three areas (like everyone)that he will have to be consistent in for us to succeed: his usual great D; 2. rebound and 3. score. But he has to be consistent in all of them. If he is then that takes substantial pressure of of WW.
If Tony is the leader of this team, and I believe he will be, then he is definitely the key to a successful season.