Tip in Club Practice Report


New member
Nov 8, 2008
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Got the opportunity to attend the practice today and thought I would share my views on the players. If anybody else was there it would be great if you could post your views as well.

TMG and Tiny
I know it's just practice and all, along with these guys being young freshman but these two are just so talented. For a while it seemed like they were the best on the court. Tiny was hitting the glass better today and even took the ball up once after a board and had a mini fast break. TMG's court vision is just amazing, he is such a great passer. Man it is awesome to have a true PG on this team, plus he can hit it from deep. Showed some good moves on the drive from drawing the fouls, but I think this could be a possible trouble error since he is young and might not get the calls this year (could lead to charges or bad shot attempts) but his ability to slash is going to be big. Tiny is also just a bad bad man, he was showing off some nice one on one moves as he would drive and hit a mid range j or just do a good job of finishing. You can tell he feels good with all the weight he lost, he is much more active than he looked in high school and this is most likely the best shape of his life. I bet these guys will have some growing pains some as they adjust to d 1 ball (Tiny needs to be careful when hitting the glass as he could pick up some cheap fouls that way) but these two have some much potential and they could turn this into a great season.

Pledger vs Willis vs Cade
The battle for the wing minutes was interesting today as Cade didn't get asmuch PT and ended up leaving practice a little early. Not sure if he was sick or something but he didn't play as much as either Ray or Steve. Ray showed his ability to score as he hit some mid range jumpers and appeared to be hustling on the boards more. I think if Ray could develop into a good rebounder it would be his key to minutes given his wingspan and athletic ability. This wasn't Pledger's best shooting day in the scrimmage (still was hitting them but not as good as last time I saw him) but his form is still great. Steve really seems like a smart player as he took advantage of a lapse in boxing out to pick up his own miss and then take it to the hole for an easy lay up. This is really going to be an interesting battle to watch in the early non conference games. Cade isn't going to let either Ray or Steve outwork him and if he can knock down the 3 with consistently he is a good as just about any other guard in the conference off the bench. But both Ray and Steve are hungry for minutes and it appears both are ready to work for them.

Ryan Wright and Tony Crocker
Neither one was that outstanding or really stood out beyond their normal game. Crocker played his good D like normal, hit some J's and played a pretty normal Crocker game. Ryan was active on the boards and continues to look like the best in shape player (much more spring in his jump, quicker off the floor). Ryan showed better hands as well in regards to catching and finishing. Both seem like guys who are ready for their SR season, will do their role and might have some step up games when needed this season.

Orlando Allen vs Andrew Fitzgerald
Right now this seems to be the battle for the 1st big man off the bench. Orlando has a nice size advantage with him being the tallest playing on the team. He is also very vocal on defense, calling out picks and stuff. Still has some issues with finishing around the rim but things seem to be really starting to click for him. Fitz is kinda like Orlando as he has lost a lot of weight and is looking good. Similar to Pledger his mid range J wasn't falling like it was in last practice but he isn't afraid to hustle or battle down low. His long wing span is a really big advantage when he fights on the glass. If I was handicapping this race right now I would give Fitz a small lead over Orlando Allen.

Willie Warren
He was a little quiet early on (in the scrimmage he was playing vs Tiny and TMG and both were having a strong start) but he really turned it on late to lead his team to a comeback victory. Showed some flashes on defense with some nice steals (showtime finish on a fastbreak), he is also like TMG as his court vision has improved a lot. With the way him, Tiny and TMG pass the ball we're going to get to see some sweet highlights, this one bounce pass on the break by Willie was so smooth. It's Willie Warren what else is there to say about a guy who he is one of the best players in the country.

Kyle Hadrick and Barry Honore
Kyle is just a shade under Ryan Wright and is comparable in height to Drew but like the last time I saw him he needs to get stronger. He hit some nice mid range Js during some individual drills. With the depth we have in front of him he is most likely not going to see much floor time. Now before he is done as a Sooner he could end up being a key player as a glue type guy. Barry has lost some more weight (with the way Drew, Tiny and Barry are losing weight it's like having our own version of the biggest loser on the team). Barry has a nice game and if he continues to get into shape he could be a good option next season if we strike out on big men recruits.

Other notes

Longar Longar was there, Capel said he was going to playing in the NBDL this season but did not mention a specific team.

Capel's speech was pretty typical. Talked about the youth and the potential of this team. Gave the students props for selling out season tickets and in general was proud of the turnout at this event (there were quite a few people there, nice to see so much support in Sooner Basketball). Along with the general more people need to show up and rock LNC sentiment.

Capel said he talked with Blake today and Blake is out for about a month and a half with fracture kneecap. Sad deal, sounds like the main thing Blake needs right now is rest and to stay off it. Capel also asked that those that pray to please send some prayers Blake's way.

Overall I was excited to see the amount of people there and see all the talent on the team. This might be the deepest team (at least on paper and based on practice) in a long time. With all the talent these players have it makes practice much more interesting as they're not only fighting hard for PT but they're doing it vs quality players as well.
Thanks Sam!

This quote had me rolling:
Barry has lost some more weight (with the way Drew, Tiny and Barry are losing weight it's like having our own version of the biggest loser on the team).

Thanks to all that attended. I thought it was a good crowd.
How did TMG look defensively? Thanks for the report.
Love the info. Thanks, Sam and all of you that provide basketball info, both men's and women's. Yes, I have been and will continue to be a lurker, but I am here to get all of the information that I can about Sooner Basketball!
How did TMG look defensively? Thanks for the report.
I think young would be the best way to describe him. He has the foot speed to stay with most guards, the strength (built like a bulldog, he is so stout) but he showed some lapses today. I don't think it was helpful he had to go vs Willie, and Willie made some nice plays vs him. I recall one in particular where Orladno was calling out a pick to TMG, Tommy started hedging toward the pick and Willie went by him to the left. He has the talent and seems to have good instincts I just think there will be some rough patches this year as he adjusts to guarding the better guards and gets the right defensive mentality for big time college basketball.
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Love the info. Thanks, Sam and all of you that provide basketball info, both men's and women's. Yes, I have been and will continue to be a lurker, but I am here to get all of the information that I can about Sooner Basketball!

We might just make a non-lurker of you yet. You took the first step....;)
Tiny Gallon was just absolutely mint out on the court tonight. He ran the floor well, finished in transition, showed his great hands, shot the ball well, and most importantly rebounded well. Tiny's rebounding could be the key to the season. We have a lot of rebounding to make up for.

Also, Cade and Ray should be keeping an eye on a guy named Steven Pledger. He could steal some major PT from both of them.

TMG looked like a true floor general, making great passes, finishing when penetrating, and shooting the ball well.

Overall, a great time!
Sam thanks a lot for the report. Good stuff!
Thanks for the recap, Sam! Really excited to hear about Tiny's overall game and especially his rebounding. We'll definitely be needing it this year. I'm definitely getting pumped for the season, it can't get here soon enough!
Man I really wish I would have been there, too bad I was on call on my first day of internal medicine.

Don't worry okie, you're not the only lurker around these parts.
a couple of things

WW is the real deal ..

in the scrimmage it was WW Crock Ray Drew and O vs TMG tiny bird Wright and cade (cade left early to go take a test)

WW could be a legit 1 in the NBA today period end of discussion he and TMG give us one of the best back courts in america he took the ball to the rack played very good D hit some J's and had a ton of great passes he is a top 5 pick in the next draft

TMG Floor general total control of the ball and the game he was directing traffic and he gets to his spots with ease ... also hit a clutch 3 in OT with his team down 4 with 20 sec left and made all of his FF late

Tiny played great when he was under control space eater in the paint but is a little further behind in getting our system and was really being coached up when we were working on the 3/4 court trap. He did not have a very good day shooting the 3. but he is a load to handle in the post showed a good jump hook and a little fade away ... He handles the ball very very well for a big man and he started a couple of breaks off the boards ..

Crock was very solid i think his handle is better and he will have a good season for us still our best on ball defender.

Bird to me was 1 of our 4 best players today (yes better than tiny) he is very very smooth and really does everything well. He has college size (looks every bit 6'4 215), he passes and dribbles well, is always in the right place on D and O, but it is his shooting that we will all come to love. He is dead eye every shot looks like its going in. He has a quick release. he didn't hit every one but i would bet that he was close to 50% from 3 in the scrimmage. He will play major min this year and IMHO is a future star at OU

Ray Willis If he gets 20 min a game he will average double digits in points he can shoot off the catch and the dribble and he is long ..... but he still looks about 165 and that will be the ? he checked TMG on D and did an ok job It will be very interesting to see how many min he gets

Cade Looked the same he works hard is a better athlete than you think it just comes down to him knocking down the open shots if he want the same or more min he better

Drew very smart player uses his size and length (crazy long arms) on D and on the boards. He has a good jumper out to 15 and he has a good feel for the game. shot better in the drills than in the scrimmage Right now i think he is ahead of O for the 3rd post spot

Orlando much impoved from last season moves better still could get in better shape Has a really great attitude on the court and is a great teammate in the shooting drills i think he has really worked on his shot this summer and i think he will get min every game

we have 4 posts that can play with lots of depth and size ... but it is the back court where we will win games .... we have 6 guys that are legit options it will be interesting to see who gets the mins as the season goes on ...

I bet capel shows a ton of different lineups early in the season and lets the guys play there way up or down the rotation ...
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Is there going to be another practice open like this? If so when? Also is there anything needed to get in?
Thanks for sharing guys. Good stuff.
Great posts guys, awsome insight. Can't wait for the season to start.
Boulder, God bless you for that report...seriously, that was great stuff and I totally appreciate it. That said...can OUHoops get a collection going to buy Boulder a period key? Seriously man, what were there like 5 in that whole post?;)
This is easily the most interesting team OU has had since Capel has been here. Capel's first year we knew it was gonna be a struggle and proved to be. The second year felt like a team that was pretty solid but ran out of tricks as the season went along, finally catching up to them against Louisville. Then last season, the team pretty much was what it was...there wasn't a lot that Capel could do with the lineups or rotations or even the plays. That team pretty much had to execute the same gameplan with the same players.

This year looks like the first time that the team actually may have a chance to peak late in the year. They are going to be plenty talented, but also pretty versatile. Its really exciting to see what level the team plays at early in the year, because I really think they will continue to improve as the season wears on.