One could spin that a couple of ways: One, that TY was a cancer and NN was lucky to be rid of him or -- and I'll admit that I think this is the more logical and accurate angle on it -- that basketball is a team game and the other players' improvement made up for TY's departure.
If you're going with the first take, then you must be predicting that OU will be improved this year, too, yes? I hope you're right. I'll be very pleased with 20+ wins and a trip to the tourney in 2019. But if we don't achieve that, will you still blame TY?
It's funny, but I don't recall all the guys who now trash TY and insist they've felt that way about him all along offering even a word of warning when we signed him. And I don't recall many complaints as TY and the team enjoyed a stellar first half of the season. His questionable defense occasionally got mentioned, but there were no serious alarms about his play.
And in his typical fashion, abd, the King of the Cherry-Pickers, has mentioned only Big 12 play in his recent posts about TY. It's as if he, like Rumplestiltskin, fell asleep in early November and didn't wake up until January 6.