Tyler Neal cleans out his locker


Staff member
Oct 22, 2008
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Neal tweeted this pic last night. Kinda sad. Having kids has softened me up.

Seems like it was just yesterday I went to watch him play against Dominique Rainey in a high school playoff game after hearing Capel had interest.

Yes, it is sad, but that is the nature of college ball. A four year college basketball career can fly by. I'm sure that Tyler takes many great memories and friendships with him. These can last a lifetime.

Best wishes to Tyler!

Boomer Sooner!!
I'm happy for Tyler. He went out on a high note by having the best season of his career as a senior. He's the kind of young man we should all be proud of. Outstanding student, great work ethic, willing to make sacrifices for the good of the team as a role player, a quality individual in every way.

Best of luck in whatever you do in the future, Tyler! :neal
I'm happy for Tyler. He went out on a high note by having the best season of his career as a senior. He's the kind of young man we should all be proud of. Outstanding student, great work ethic, willing to make sacrifices for the good of the team as a role player, a quality individual in every way.

Best of luck in whatever you do in the future, Tyler! :neal
Yes, I certainly wish Tyler all the best. He was and remains a great representative of OU.

And he was a key element to the team's success this year -- not the MVP or anything like it, but he came through in any number of key games throughout the season.

In that sense, he reminds me a little of Johnny Gilbert -- a player that many fans dogged his first two or three seasons, but a young man who had gained the respect of virtually the entire OU hoops community by the end of his senior campaign.
Yeah I'm glad he had a good senior season. Really wish we would have gotten him back for a 5th year next year. He has the athleticism and shooting ability to really break out I think. As it is, I will have fond memories of his play here. He had some real heat check games over his 4 years and helped us win some games we would otherwise have lost.
If only he knew how to dribble... The reason you never really saw his athleticism in games is because he literally can't dribble. Could have been a really good player. Had a great year though.
Best of Luck Tyler!!! Congratulations and God's Speed.

(I had to scroll to the very last post before someone posted something negative about Tyler. It was nice to read the positive farewells!)