Dana Altman didn't even enter my mind when I made that comment. I'm talking about the adverse publicity associated with this story: Girl gang raped by three members of the basketball team, one of them charged with assault at another university.
My point is that the Pritchards don't impress me as the kind of people who would look kindly on a basketball program that would bring in a player who was at least accused of a deplorable offense like rape at two other school. It doesn't matter that Altman had nothing to do with it. It's still a huge black eye nationally on Oregon's basketball program.
And, before someone points out that OU's football team has been guilty of bringing in and/or retaining players with questionable characters, OU's basketball program has been squeaky clean since Lon Kruger arrived on campus. To my knowledge, no player on our roster has even had a parking ticket the past four years. That's the kind of program I would want my son to be part of, and I'm betting Payton's parents feel the same way.