ViVi and Kaylon

Norm - I think the problem I have with you (and I assume others) is that you basically criticize everything about the program. There is nothing I can think of that Sherri Coale does well, according to you.

Her coaching decisions are constantly questioned.

Her recruiting is bashed on a daily basis, both implicitly and explicitly.

The management of her program during the offseason is routinely called into question.

You even question her work ethic and drive.

You constantly point out that her staff is unqualified, despite a track record of making Final Fours.

What I know is that it's impossible to become a Hall of Fame coach and be as poor at all of the above as you maintain that Sherri Coale is.

Have you not read all of the positive posts I've made about Peyton, Gabbi, Kaylon, Gioya, Courtney, DRob, etc???

I've never said the staff is unqualified. I've said that our recruiting is not matching that of Texas and Baylor. Feel free to point out where I'm wrong!

I have not seen many positive threads that you have started. You can start as many as you want to but I guess you would rather talk about me. Strange.
It turns me off when someone reminds us that Sherri knows best because she is a HOF coach so I was trying to avoid that and get some legitimate answers.

You always get legitimate answers. You just don't always like them.
You always get legitimate answers. You just don't always like them.

The only answer I don't like is "I'll just trust Sherri because she's been to 3 final fours and is a HOF coach". While I applaud her for being a great coach, that answer does nothing to advance legitimate conversations.

But, if someone wants to start a thread on Sherri and her great accomplishments, I will be happy to support that topic.
The only answer I don't like is "I'll just trust Sherri because she's been to 3 final fours and is a HOF coach". While I applaud her for being a great coach, that answer does nothing to advance legitimate conversations.

But, if someone wants to start a thread on Sherri and her great accomplishments, I will be happy to support that topic.

Is it OK if someone says something like, "I heard Sherri say xzy once and that makes perfect sense to me"?

Just trying to find out what is acceptable.
Is it OK if someone says something like, "I heard Sherri say xzy once and that makes perfect sense to me"?

Just trying to find out what is acceptable.

You bet! At least that response indicates the person actually has thought about a particular subject (regardless of who mentioned it first) and has enough knowledge to say "that makes sense" or "it doesn't make sense because xyz". The response I mentioned earlier that I don't like indicates the person isn't capable of having a rational independent thought on any subject regarding OU basketball. They just agree with whatever Sherri does/says because she's always right and everyone else is wrong. Some have even defended Brian Brinkly on the way he mispronounced ViVi's last name. That shows they will defend anything associated with the women's program even when it's clearly wrong.
Norm, you have not been drinking enough Coale Kool Aid for some of these people. You do a lot for this board. Keep up the good work.
I think I often don't read your complete posts because it seems I encounter "Of course, some others think that whatever Sherri does is always the right thing to do because she is a Hall of Fame coach." That isn't necessary to make your point and puts me off. This is the SoonerNorm board (look at who starts the majority of threads) and you are the Super Moderator so why do you have to snipe so often?
It has seemed to me that for years, Norm has been telling us how he would do it better than Sherri. He does not, however, want anyone to suggest that we might not consider his suggestions as valid as the coaching staff's. He's thin-skinned that way.
Maybe it's just me, but you are averaging 21 points and 12 rebounds from the post position between Vivi and Kaylon, I think that is wonderful. Neither would I consider a true 4 and as such I don't think they could stay with most 4's in our conference. Platooning them keeps both fresh and playing their best during a game. Kaylon is playing like a senior. She is defending with her feet and not slapping and getting silly fouls. Vivi gets better every game, because of their production I just don't see a conditioning factor, but that's my humble opinion.

As far as conditioning, Derica has mentioned that all the girls worked hard on their conditioning in the off season and during October practices, so I certainly don't have any answers as to why some kids don't look in shape.

With the kids we have playing on the perimeter and solid play in the post, at the moment I wouldn't change any thing.
Oh, I vote Norm for the Board Hall of Fame. Then he'd have to allow us all to second-guess his coaching :)

Actually what irks me about Norm is statements like this: "Some have suggested both play at the same time. Of course, some others think that whatever Sherri does is always the right thing to do because she is a Hall of Fame coach."

See, he implies that anyone who disagrees with playing both posts is doing so just because they are Sherri sycophants. Actually I disagree with it because given their skill sets, it would be a really stupid and unproductive coaching move. I guess Sherri just happens to agree with me. She certainly agrees with me a lot more than she does with Norm.
you remember that post
If you click on a poster's name, it offers the opportunity to see other posts made by that poster. It is the only post that was listed under your name.
Norm, you have not been drinking enough Coale Kool Aid for some of these people.

That's not the point. No one expects anyone to drink any kind of kool aid. The point is that everyone is entitled to their opinion, whether their opinion coinicides with the coach's or not. The subtle denigrating comments towards those who make positive comments get old, just as the "Great Post" comments after negative posts do.
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It has seemed to me that for years, Norm has been telling us how he would do it better than Sherri. He does not, however, want anyone to suggest that we might not consider his suggestions as valid as the coaching staff's. He's thin-skinned that way.

This is a classic example of how the so called sunshine pumpers exasperate many that are not sunshiners. Norm frequently expresses what he would like to see Sherri try this or that. Might also may question why Sherri might do something on the court. I have never said or implied he can do anything better than Sherri. All he does is ask questions or express an opinion about what OU might do differently.

The pumpers put words in Norm's mouth repeatedly as to what he says or means. Often it is apparent that the pumpers cannot read and understand what is written. They only see what they think was intended by Norm not what he said.

By no means are these pumper opinions restricted to Norm but to every poster that has a different perspective than theirs. Some even want posters banned, request they quit posting on the board or make personal attacks.

Were it not for Norm I doubt there would be enough topics for discussion about anything that would attract enough posters to justify having a board.
You bet! At least that response indicates the person actually has thought about a particular subject (regardless of who mentioned it first) and has enough knowledge to say "that makes sense" or "it doesn't make sense because xyz". The response I mentioned earlier that I don't like indicates the person isn't capable of having a rational independent thought on any subject regarding OU basketball. They just agree with whatever Sherri does/says because she's always right and everyone else is wrong. Some have even defended Brian Brinkly on the way he mispronounced ViVi's last name. That shows they will defend anything associated with the women's program even when it's clearly wrong.

You simply do not have the wisdom - or the experience - to understand what some of us are saying. If you had spent as many years in my present career as I have, you would understand. Unfortunately, you do not have that experience, you are stubborn about learning anything different than what you presently think, and you have refused to analyze the situation before you made up your mind.

If Vivi has decided to be called by "Louis" rather than people using the life long pronunciation of her name, it is because she has realized too many have a hard time saying it correctly, so she has "compromised" by accepting the incorrect pronunciation rather than having to keep correcting folks. That is a very common result with internationals in our country. It does not mean you are being respectful by saying "I don't care what the correct way to say it is, I will do it my way because I don't really care how your name is supposed to be pronounced". She is the one being respectful. Many could learn from her example.

But if this is what is going on, I can absolutely guarantee you she will smile and appreciate anyone who attempts to say it correctly.
You simply do not have the wisdom - or the experience - to understand what some of us are saying. If you had spent as many years in my present career as I have, you would understand. Unfortunately, you do not have that experience, you are stubborn about learning anything different than what you presently think, and you have refused to analyze the situation before you made up your mind.

If Vivi has decided to be called by "Louis" rather than people using the life long pronunciation of her name, it is because she has realized too many have a hard time saying it correctly, so she has "compromised" by accepting the incorrect pronunciation rather than having to keep correcting folks. That is a very common result with internationals in our country. It does not mean you are being respectful by saying "I don't care what the correct way to say it is, I will do it my way because I don't really care how your name is supposed to be pronounced". She is the one being respectful. Many could learn from her example.

But if this is what is going on, I can absolutely guarantee you she will smile and appreciate anyone who attempts to say it correctly.

When ViVi says her last name is Louis, I would think that's good enough for everyone.
When ViVi says her last name is Louis, I would think that's good enough for everyone.

It makes it acceptable to say it that way. She is showing you respect. That doesn't mean you are pronouncing it correctly. It means she is more respectful than you - or perhaps laughs later and says "Wow - what a bunch or morons who can't learn to pronounce new words".