Well....it's Trump vs. Hillary


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2008
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Dear God, kill me now! I think I'm going to sit this one out. Either way, I'm probably not going to like the direction of the country come November.
I'm voting Gary Johnson.

I was thinking of voting for him until I saw several interviews of him stating that he was probably closer to Sanders than any other candidate....when it pertains to worldview and policy. Plus, he is a self-admitted recreational pot smoker. If he had a medical issue, that is one thing, but I just can't bring myself to vote for an adult pothead. I guess I value sobriety more than I should.

Like I mentioned earlier, I think I'm going to sit this one out.
I've said this for over a year, and I feel it's as true today as it was then: I have yet to see anyone who can defeat Hillary.
I've said this for over a year, and I feel it's as true today as it was then: I have yet to see anyone who can defeat Hillary.
I've yet to see a reason to vote for Hillary. I've seen reasons to not vote for Trump and better reasons to not vote but not one reason to vote for Hillary.
True, this is not a good election year for anyone who is looking for the ideal candidate. But, there are more reasons NOT to vote for Hillary than for Trump.

Just ask yourself what she has done that makes her worthy of the highest office in this country? If being a dishonest, accomplished liar who has very little to show for thirty plus years of "public service " is what you're looking, Hillary Clinton is your candidate. She definitely will not get my vote!