what combination?

Dr Sleep

Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score
I assume our lineup will be 1 TMG 2 WW 3 Crock

but what combo of 4 and 5?
I would think Tiny and Allen would be our best bigs. But i am not in the know, what do you guys think?
Tiny and Fitzgerald, IMO. I'm sure Ryan will start though.
It will be Ryan Wright and Tiny Gallon. Gallon because of sheer talent and Wright because of experience.

I hope Fitz is able to give us some scoring inside off the bench. I dont see Allen helping us much except when we play somebody that has a true center. Then his size could help.
I think WW, Cade, Crocker will get the initial starts...with Tiny and Wright down low. Obviously the backcourt will change as the season gets underway.
Yeah i think Wright has to be the defense/rebound/screen guy this year. If he brings the same game he brought to the Kansas game last year and stays consistent he can really be a key factor for this team.
I think WW, Cade, Crocker will get the initial starts...with Tiny and Wright down low. Obviously the backcourt will change as the season gets underway.

I thought that too about a month ago. But lately Capel has been saying that TMG is playing as well as anybody in practice. He has said that WW and Crock will start, but I think he'll go with TMG in that 3rd spot and Cade will be first off the bench.
It will be Ryan Wright and Tiny Gallon. Gallon because of sheer talent and Wright because of experience.

I hope Fitz is able to give us some scoring inside off the bench. I dont see Allen helping us much except when we play somebody that has a true center. Then his size could help.

I am curious why you think this. My perception of last year was that Allen took minutes from Wright down the stretch. I do recognize that Wright has more experience but based on last year, I would say Allen will play as much as Wright if not more.
1. Because Capel said last week that Wright was in excellent shape and Allen was not.

2. Because I've always thought that Wright would have a good senior year, similar to what Taylor Griffin did last year, and that if Allen ever improves enough to be a starter it will be another year from now.

I have nothing against Allen. I like his attitude. I just think Wright will be the guy this year.
Well, i just thought that the ceiling was lower for Wright than Allen. Allen to me just seemed more natural than Wright.
Tiny and Wright. Wright will start because of his work ethic, and Capel has mentioned on several occasions that he has been impressed with Ryan stepping up more as a leader.

Fitz and Allen will both get minutes early, but by confereance play, I wouldn't be surprised to see Fitz starting and Wright getting the majority of the bench minutes.