As for the question where would OU be now - that's a hard one. I know Bob Hoffman from his days at OBU, when I was a young sports reporter for the Shawnee News Star. Watched some unbelievable talent at OBU over those couple of years - they routinely scored over 100 points a game and it was Billy Tubbs-esqe basketball.
All I can say about Bob was he was very gracious and engaging. I was 21-22 years old, had, bascially no idea what I was doing, and he went out of his way to talk to me.
What would he have done at OU? Hard to know. He can coach, no doubt, the question would be could he have figured out a way to recruit? I assume he had some good OK HS connections, so maybe he could have landed some in-state talent. Of course, you'd be better off knowing the AAU coaches these days, I guess.
If he could have recruited well, I think OU would have been better than they were under Capel.
LK is a step up from Bob, I think, but Bob is still dancing and LK is not.