If the feelings and believes of the Native American people go no deeper than Booner and Sooner than when does it stop. Anyone who is as old as I am (78) and has parents and grandparents who lived in Oklahoma probably has some native american blood in their background. Mine is Chickasaw and proud of it. My statement about world history still stands. Wealthy, powerful people have always run the world! Do we bulldoze Rome because the Romans were really not nice people! Does everyone who has the last name of Jackson change it because it does have a slave connotation. Millions and millions of people have and are being persecuted. The level of education offered on Native American reservations is minimal to say the least. Do you sing "Onward Christan Sholder" wow the crusades were something were they not!. Should all the Germans still be in prison? History is History you can learn from it but you cannot change it. There are plenty of Native American issues these kids can address the one they chose unfortunately is not a good one.Why don't they spend a few summers teaching on a reservation? Go back far enough (some only want to go back as far as fits their need) and everyone has an issue. The hope is going forward not going backward.
My question to you is: when does WHAT stop? When do people stop discriminating and marginalizing other races? When do persecuted people stop trying to become UNpersecuted? When do people take their heads out of the sand and realize that this is still a huge issue?
Scrybe, if you think that in America we are all treated equally and fair, I just have to shake my head. Have you heard about the Black Lives Matter movement? Or have you dismissed that as being unneccessary?
Gosooner2, yes this is a far deeper issue than just Boomer and Sooner. And, you are correct in that we cannot change history. HOWEVER, unless we progress as a society, correct our mistakes and change our actions, we will be doomed to repeat history. Its not about trying to change history. Its not even about the historical treatment of Native Americans. Its about what is going on NOW.
You said millions of people have been persecuted. Yes, and they ALL rebelled at some point to come out of persecution OR they succumbed and disappeared. What these students are doing is trying to raise awareness that WE ARE HERE. WE MATTER TOO. We do not want to disappear.
Instead of dismissing these students as misguided, why don't we look at ourselves, take a deep breath and remind ourselves that its not about punishing anyone or retribution or blaming. Its about validation of the struggle.
What is so scary about engaging in open dialogue about misconceptions, prejudices and mistreatment? We realize that we cannot change the past. We don't want to change the past, we want to change the future.
If those who are "in power" do nothing, it is up to the general population to initiate change. YOU, who are on this board, are part of the general population.
These students started something to initiate dialogue. So, I am just helping them out by engaging in dialogue in a place that I love to go to every day.
Yesterday, I was angry. Today, I am not. Today, I am a little saddened by the level of resistance on this board. A board dedicated to WOMEN'S basketball. If you are white (and I realize that 95% of Oklahomans clarify their race by saying "My grandma was xxx Indian"), but if you are white, was raised in the white culture, and most of your friends are white (yes, I know, everyone has a black friend somewhere), you cannot know what it is like to be Native, or black or any minority.
The most you can do is try to see what that minority is living through. I cannot know what it is like to be a black person. But I know what it is like to be in a room full of whites and hear racial jokes...all because I "look" like them. Or to be at a pow wow and have the looks from young ones who think I am white. Or to have my granddaughter fall out of her chair when someone told her I was white because I always talk about our Native heritage and culture. Or to have a white woman ask ME what race does my teenage son identify with when he was sitting right there (again I "look" white and my son "looks" black).
I could go on and on. But, I won't because you are probably tired of me. Most of the posters on this thread will no longer post on this thread because it is to uncomfortable. I am sorry for making anyone uncomfortable, but we as humans don't make changes until we become uncomfortable.
Also, sorry about the rambling nature of this post. My thoughts just came out and I did not edit this at all.