Tango. Actually, no, I am not offended by Boomer and Sooner. The whole land run was borne out of oppression of Native Americans and their lands, but the actual terms are not stereotypical, denigrating or mocking towards Natives. (Now, if you wanna know about how I feel about the FSU Seminole chant...

I don't really feel like we should abandon it; however, the students who are pushing for this have a point. We should not just dismiss them, we should open discussions where we can learn something and they can learn something. Its the dismissive attitude of most people that irks me.
Scrybe. Who are you comparing me to? My life experiences in regards to racial discrimination have not been as dire as you seem to think. (my previous post were my experiences, and there are many more, however, I have far MORE great life experiences. I am not an unhappy person, I don't feel like my childhood was bad. I'm not really mad at anyone)
Remember, I LOOK white. Only Natives recognize me as Indian by sight. My experiences have been from the viewpoint of looking one way and identifying another. I can see both sides, I see discrimination, but I also see some minority members who think they are "owed" something. I do not feel that anyone "owes" me anything. When I am discriminated against, or when I hear a prejudiced remark, I call it out and I refuse to let it slide. I don't get mad, I just want to educate.
You don't have to abandon your belief and you shouldn't. It is my opinion that most of Americans do NOT want to be racist. Most people do NOT judge on the color of a person's skin. That said, I am also aware that there ARE those who DO...and there are those who don't realize what they just said was offensive.
My issue is not with those who discriminate. My issue is with those who do NOT discriminate, yet pretend that their brother/sister is being treated the same way they are. It is just not always the case. And when a discriminated person calls out, those who do NOT usually discriminate, don't say anything, they don't stand up with the discriminated person, and often tries to justify the discrimination because they just cannot bear the fact that racism is still alive.
Again, I do believe in the overall goodness of people and of Americans. I am proud to be American, I am also proud to be NATIVE American.
SoonerSpock. I completely agree with all you said. I don't believe in utopia on earth. This is why its an education in progress. I have been trying to educate folks all my life (and I grew up in OK).
Yesterday, I was just mad. And all those folks with an opinion before I jumped in have somehow vanished. So, sorry, didn't really mean to clear the room.