Per estimated butts in seats attendance there was over 9,600 present - I think it was a late arriving crowd for sure with 6 pm tip and weather.
That was actually the largest butts in seats non-con crowd since the USC game during Blake’s Soph year.
Conference games will be packed imo. Going to be a fun ride so everyone get your tickets!
The crowd looked great on TV but as Dan Jockitch said "this is the quietest gym i've ever been in". That was kind of embarrassing. I think when the students aren't there, which they weren't, OU's crowd are like mice. The got loud temporarily loud on dunks and 3s, but other than that....
I saw a sparse amount of fans at the game tonight. OU is to hot locally and nationally for such a small crowd. come on sooner this team.
The crowd looked great on TV but as Dan Jockitch said "this is the quietest gym i've ever been in". That was kind of embarrassing. I think when the students aren't there, which they weren't, OU's crowd are like mice. The got loud temporarily loud on dunks and 3s, but other than that....
11,269 tickets sold. 9,692 tickets collected at the doors.
That’s not a bad crowd for a non-conference weeknight game with an early start, especially when the Thunder are in town.
which is also why an 8k arena will never happen