04's Attempt: OU vs Idaho State Recap


Well-known member
May 15, 2009
Reaction score
DISCLAIMER: These thoughts are not from a professional. They are from an unabashed Sooner BBall fanatic whose glasses are tinted heavily crimson. I’m not a coach, I’m not an analyst, I’m just a fan who used to write and misses the task. My knowledge of the X’s and O’s of the sport is tenuous at best. My predictions often prove folly. I once fell hard for Ray Willis. But I do love my Sooners hoopsters, often much too much. Feel free to critique but, please, be gentle.

Good evening, Sooner Basketball! I’ve missed you. I’ve missed meaningful games in March, games on Monday night and road wins too, but, more than anything, I’ve just missed you. If we’re lucky we’ll get back to what we once were as a program someday, but right now it’s just nice to have you back.

Tonight, at least in theory, was the first baby step toward closing a cavernous schism left behind by scandals past. We’d heard from the NCAA, and the penalty was a slap on the wrist. We knew we’d be without our best shooter, but only for a game. We’d hired a program builder with Sweet 16s stretching nearly from coast to coast. And then we observe a mighty squad from Pocatello, Idaho, stroll into the Lloyd Noble Center and punch us right in the mouth.

The putrid, pungent odor that festers like a smoldering buffalo turd on a Wichita Mountain morning left by Jeff Capel and his band of goobers still lingers over the program. The Idaho States of the world should never come to Norman and look like the better basketball team, but such is life. The improvement will be slow, the grade of the climb will be miniscule and the mistakes will be many, but if you remove the cloak of dread from your face you’ll begin to see the improvement has already begun. Players who were nothing more than carbon blobs in years past emerge from the bench and provide sparks. Adjustments are made, game plans are altered and guys start finding different ways to contribute.

Be-bopping through the first half while hitting one out of five shots against a decent zone defense is a sure fire way to get a one-way ticket out of town on tomorrow morning’s Heartland Flyer. Cameron Clark looked completely out of sorts. Andrew Fitzgerald had as many points and rebounds in the first half as I did: zip. These guys were both double-figure scorers last year, and to get Washington General-type production out of them would surely spell disaster. But that’s when the silver linings showed up. Calvin Newell, no longer hamstrung by running the point, hit several long-distance shots to stretch the defense. Romero Osby, playing his first game since the Nixon Administration, crashed the boards and kept the ball moving from the inside back out. What this team lacks in talent they make up in depth. I see them as nine deep, ten if you count Barry Honore, whose five minutes of production tonight proved absolutely vital in winning the game.

You’d like to walk in a game like this and have no worries, but that simply isn’t going to be the case for a long time. This was a dogfight for 39 minutes, but it was fun just the same. Maybe someday we can worry once more about whether we’ll win games 90-50 and if the walk-ons will get a bucket or two. But, for now, let’s just learn the lessons that each game provides. Move that ball, move your feet, and rebound like your heart depended on it. 1-0 kicks the crap out of 0-1, regardless of whether you’re playing Idaho State, Indiana State or Iowa State.


1st – 12 [Fighting soldiers from the sky,]
2nd – 19 [fearless men who jump and die.]
3rd – 21 [Men who mean just what they say]
4th – 26 [the brave men of the Green Beret.]

Calvin Newell: 19
Romero Osby: 17
Carl Blair: 12
Sam Grooms: 11

Romero Osby: 10 (Dub-Dub in his debut!)
Tyler Neal: 7
Carl Blair: 6
Sam Grooms: 6

1. Lon Kruger: I challenge anyone out there to find me a single complaint about Lon Kruger since his arrival in Norman. The way he’s reached out to the fans who make up the base and the players who hoisted all those banners has been remarkably refreshing.

2. Romero Osby: Ro is now 47 years old. He was outside the Dakota when John Lennon was shot. For a guy who guarded Detlef Schrempt the last time he played a meaningful game I figured he was sure to come out and press-press-press. Instead he posted a very tidy 17 points on a mere nine shots. He added 10 rebounds, four assists, two steals and a block. There was a lot of traffic in the middle tonight, and to navigate it with only a pair of turnovers showed remarkable restraint and composure. Great game!

3. Calvin Newell: Guys who lack a conscience can be useful when adversity arrives. No one else was making plays early, so Cal decided the moment was his. Down ten points was rough, but we’d have been down by far more without his first-half bombs.

4. The Crowd: What they lacked in numbers they made up for in decibels. A very involved lot.

5. Barry Honore: A fitting spot here at #5 for Mr. Honore because his five minutes got us over the hump. It sounds goofy to say, I know, but I thought they were vital. He had a bucket and a couple of blocks, and it seemed to energize the entire building.

6. Veterans Day: Go thank a veteran for his or her service. Better yet, go thank 15 of 'em.

1. Calvin Newell’s T: Just a stupid play. To borrow a comment from my buddy in the seat next to me, “you’re in a dogfight with Idaho State and you pull THAT?!”

2. Cameron Clark: He’s a lot better than this, but tonight was bad. 1-10 from the field, 0-2 from the line…yikes! We need 12 from Cameron every night, not zip one game and then 25 the next. Consistency lacked in his game last year, and one night into to 2011 those who paint with a broad brush will say it’s the story of his life again.

3. Andrew Fitzgerald: Our point guards out-rebounded him 12-1. You won’t need an abacus to tally up those final figures. He out-rebounded George Mikan tonight, but just barely.

I don’t like that we struggle so to defeat teams that, in theory, we’re a heck of a lot more talented than, but I’m afraid that’s going to be the story for a good, long while. I’ve got to remind myself that this is a completely different style of team, learning a whole new way of thinking while trying to mesh with a new coaching staff who has DONE this before. I challenge each of you to keep your blood pressure in check and search hard for positives because they’re there. Keep an eye out for improvement every night, because it’s happening right there in front of us. We’re all going to grow together in this deal because it’s a new era. Billy Tubbs isn’t walking through that door (unless he’s doing color).

1-0. Onward and upward.

Thank you for your time.
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Great to have the 04 Report back. Very nice. Well-written too.
Good job. Only complaint is I don't think cal deserved a t. In fact, the refs blew the whistle before he even did the spin
The putrid, pungent odor that festers like a smoldering buffalo turd on a Wichita Mountain morning left by Jeff Capel and his band of goobers still lingers over the program. The Idaho States of the world should never come to Norman and look like the better basketball team, but such is life. The improvement will be slow, the grade of the climb will be miniscule and the mistakes will be many, but if you remove the cloak of dread from your face you’ll begin to see the improvement has already begun. Players who were nothing more than carbon blobs in years past emerge from the bench and provide sparks. Adjustments are made, game plans are altered and guys start finding different ways to contribute.

please please please keep doing write ups. You always seem to be able to explain my thoughts more eloquently than I can do myself.
From one writer to another, very well done sir.:):)
Groom is a great pick-up for the Sooners. Osby played well. I am waiting to judge the team until I see how Pledger makes the team better.

Also, I don't care if you are 7'11..over the back is over the back. That's all.

And, no homo..but I wish Neal looked like :neal again.
i thought the Washington Generals were generally a first half team...that would take leads on the HG...only to give them away....to Goose Ausbie and Co?

thanks for the write-up Brando for us out-of-staters. semi-colons for dependent clauses....as a friend and fellow traveler i can say that, right? :ed :)

just looking at the box score, lot of shots from the guard position. Grooms, Cam, Newell....hmm?
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Nice writeup.

But, no way no how was Newell a "minus" in any regard. The play you mention he stole the ball and took it down for a slam. I like the pizazz and without Newell we lose the game.

Newell needs to look to score every time he touches the ball. He's the only guy on the team who can create an open look whenever he wants. You can bet that's how he's being coached too because he shot 14 times last time out. Newell, Clark & Grooms all shot over 10 times and if you look at Krugers history and the history of successful teams in the NCAA the guards shoot a lot.
As good as Newell was last night, I still want him coming off the bench for Pledger. As thin as we are as far as depth, he'll still get a lot of minutes.

And keep him mind that while it sure seemed like he shot it well last night, he did need 11 three point shots to hit the 4 he did. That is only 36%. When you evaluate him in that regards, I sure wish he'd be a little more selective in the shots he takes. But last night we didn't have many other options. I'm hoping that isn't the case most night. With Pledger and hopefully an improved Cam most games, that should limit Newell some.
Sooner04, this board has not been the same without your post-game recaps. No one does it as well as you do!

Great to have you back! :woot
And keep him mind that while it sure seemed like he shot it well last night, he did need 11 three point shots to hit the 4 he did. That is only 36%. When you evaluate him in that regards, I sure wish he'd be a little more selective in the shots he takes.

36.4% from 3 equals 54.6% from 2. Let em fly. It's simple math.
Anything above 35% from 3 is good. Newell played great last night. Last year a big problem with him was the tended to make dumb turnovers. I'll take a bad hanging on the rim each game a few terrible turnovers.
36.4% from 3 equals 54.6% from 2. Let em fly. It's simple math.

No doubt. I believe Reggie Miller and Ray Allen were/are career 35% - 40% 3 pt. shooters.

I was very shocked at how well Newell scored the ball. Last yr he just looked like he had no fundamentals to me, and that has already improved. He will make some bad decisions in shot selection, but we need him to stay aggressive.

I tend to agree with WT that we really need him off the bench for a spark, and Pledger and Cam filling it up in the starting 5.....