#20 OU vs Kansas St 4pm 2/26

A good chance to see how well Baranczyk makes adjustments to improve our performance after a big first game loss to K-State.
A good chance to see how well Baranczyk makes adjustments to improve our performance after a big first game loss to K-State.

I wonder if it depends on the refs. If they on't let us muscle up against the big girl without drawing fouls we are probably toast. If we decide to not risk fouls against her we are probably toast. The refs need to call it like they do in the NCAA playoffs.
I wonder if it depends on the refs. If they on't let us muscle up against the big girl without drawing fouls we are probably toast. If we decide to not risk fouls against her we are probably toast. The refs need to call it like they do in the NCAA playoffs.

They also need to be able to count 3 seconds when she camps in the lane.
We love to see it!!!! Get purple kitty out of here!!!!
One down, two more to go. So many down to the wire. Really happy for Taylor.
Give coach B a big plus for adjusting her game plan to neutralize Lee.

Maddie, Tucker and Taylor did an outstanding job of preventing the inside passes to her and our inside defenders did a good job of preventing her from getting close in to the hoop.

We also did some good things to change up the offense. A number of times the player she was covering moved her far enough from the hoop for us to get some easy shots. Also took her away from the hoop and drove by her. The one adjustment on offense that would have made the game much easier would have been to stop forcing the inside shots over the much taller defenders. Too many blocked and too many hopeless shots.

A much better strategy would have been to stop for a short jumper or kick it back outside. I would have to watch the game again but I suspect Taylor was open several times when we misfired inside.

I think we are going to enjoy womans basketball a long time.
Is there anywhere I can watch a replay of this game. My DVR decided to stop recording sometime in the 1st half.