25 impactful JUCO players for 2016

That link didn't work for me, but here's what the story says about Strong:

Darrion Strong, 6′-1″, PG, Coffeyville CC (KS), Oklahoma – There’s certainly a void to be filled in the backcourt at Oklahoma, and Strong can be part of the group that helps do so. Strong had a terrific sophomore season, scoring 18 points per game and handing out 3 assists. Originally from Minnesota, Strong has a solid frame and is battle-tested in the backcourt.
Nice find, BCSooners!

Since this list is alphabetical, it would be interesting to know where Strong is ranked? The usual overly-optimistic side of me says he will prove to be better than some people think.

And, yes, I'm well aware of the fact, bgrch1350, that juco players aren't nearly as good as they used to be. ;) I'll go one step further by saying that there is no such thing as "25 impactful juco players" these days. Five, maybe as many as ten, but not twenty five. Still, I like what I have read and seen of Darrion Strong.
I will go on record and say that Strong will be the best JUCO we have had in quite a while. Going back to Sampson's classes.
Based on?

Years and years of research, studying film, traversing the entire planet gathering insights from mystics a top the Earths highest peaks. and then going to Landthieves to ask the children of the corn.
Years and years of research, studying film, traversing the entire planet gathering insights from mystics a top the Earths highest peaks. and then going to Landthieves to ask the children of the corn.

Years and years of research, studying film, traversing the entire planet gathering insights from mystics a top the Earths highest peaks. and then going to Landthieves to ask the children of the corn.

I like this guy