A&M's Elonu may stay in the draft


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Nov 9, 2008
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Sloan and Davis are coming back as expected, but Elonu may stay in. Per Andy Katz.........

Donald Sloan, Bryan Davis and Chinemelu Elonu, Jrs., Texas A&M: Sloan and Davis have already told Texas A&M coach Mark Turgeon that they will return to school. But Elonu has continued to work out this week, and there is a chance he could sneak into the second round. That might be enough to tantalize him into staying in the draft. He is the lone wolf in this group.

I kind of suspected, but mostly hoped. IMO if Elonu goes we will have a good shot to sweep them again. If not I think we split. He would probably be their best player if he stayed.
That would be a big loss for them if true.
If he goes pro I will miss his mother's shrieking at free throws and the Scott Drew box out like yells from her.