

New member
Nov 28, 2008
Reaction score
Earlier in the year, I posted a question about the digs on Willie Warren.

Sometimes OU fans are too quick to find a scapegoat. And part of this is because we are primarily a football school (like it or not). And in football: one loss can destroy an entire season when your team is Top 5-caliber year in and year out. As a result, OU fans have this all-or-nothing mentality (maybe rightly so in terms of football).

But basketball is a much different game. Your entire body of work is considered when tournament time comes.

I'm afraid some OU fans carry their all-or-nothing mentality of football on to the basketball court.

This is evident through the rhetoric of absolutes:

"******* has been selfish ALL year"

"******** is a COMPLETE bust"

"******** will NEVER be a good player"

"********* has NOT prepared these kids AT ALL"

This team is a young, young team. Our coach is young. Being a fan of college basketball involves being flexible to the ebb-and-flow of a season.

So, let's make this board one of the of the BEST in sports period by continuing the reasonable, well-rounded discussion, criticism, praise, and humor.

And overall, just keep things in perspective!
Sooneronas, I agree completely. It would make visiting this site more enjoyable if we could discuss both the negatives and positives of our team in a rational manner.
I think the all or nothing attitude is especially bad during and after games. People get emotional caught up in games. We start to live and die on every possession. I imagine the board will seem more sane tomorrow. I do think it is a good reminder for everyone on the board that if someone compliments a player that doesn't mean they think he was flawless and if someone criticizes a player they may not think he is hopeless. We need to be able revel in what we do well and be open minded about what we need to improve.
In basketball the all-or-nothing perspective has been heightened by Blake's season last year. Blake was a guy that had maybe 2 or 3 subpar games all year. We can't measure WW on Blake scale.
In basketball the all-or-nothing perspective has been heightened by Blake's season last year. Blake was a guy that had maybe 2 or 3 subpar games all year. We can't measure WW on Blake scale.

I agree. Though the mentality isn't just when people talk about individuals. Either our Defense was spectacular or terrible, either our small ball set is a god send or it will be our downfall, either high school recruits are good or jucos are good, either we beat three good programs for a great win streak or we beat three teams that are bad, etc...

The truth is usually not in absolutes. I think the phrase "things are never as bad or as good as you think they are" is something to keep in mind before posting.
I think the all or nothing attitude is especially bad during and after games. People get emotional caught up in games. We start to live and die on every possession. I imagine the board will seem more sane tomorrow. I do think it is a good reminder for everyone on the board that if someone compliments a player that doesn't mean they think he was flawless and if someone criticizes a player they may not think he is hopeless. We need to be able revel in what we do well and be open minded about what we need to improve.


And great thread btw... you have articulated what I have tried to say for years. Bravo!
I agree. Though the mentality isn't just when people talk about individuals. Either our Defense was spectacular or terrible, either our small ball set is a god send or it will be our downfall, either high school recruits are good or jucos are good, either we beat three good programs for a great win streak or we beat three teams that are bad, etc...

The truth is usually not in absolutes. I think the phrase "things are never as bad or as good as you think they are" is something to keep in mind before posting.

very good point MN
Normally I wouldn't resurrect an old thread like this, but I thought it might useful to read again during a disappointing season. We all need to be able to keep our emotions in check if we are going to enjoy being fans. One loss doesn't ruin a season, one season doesn't ruin a program. I think I enjoy being a fan more because I don't or at least don't normally get trapped in the mentality that whatever is happening is the way it will be for ever. People who have followed the Sooners long enough will know this.

So, please don't let yourself fall into knee jerk reactions and focus only on the present problems. The fun of being a fan is that you are a fan of a program not just a team. Some OU teams will be good and some will play bad. But if you become reactionary, you are ruining your own fun. I am not saying to ignore whatever problems a team has, but I am saying that fan that truly enjoys being a fan will be able to look at the whole picture and see how even a bad team can be a enjoyable part of the progression of the Sooners' program we love so much.
I don't blame much on WW. I think any team wide poor attitude is the fault of the true team leader, Jeff Capel.

WW didn't have the year everyone was expecting but he has put up nice numbers and fought through injuries. The expectations on the guy are just not fair. The same people that criticize WW seem to think it is fine for Capel to post a losing season in Big XII play every other year. I don't get it.
I don't blame much on WW. I think any team wide poor attitude is the fault of the true team leader, Jeff Capel.

WW didn't have the year everyone was expecting but he has put up nice numbers and fought through injuries. The expectations on the guy are just not fair. The same people that criticize WW seem to think it is fine for Capel to post a losing season in Big XII play every other year. I don't get it.

I feel like you may not have actually read the thread.
I feel like you may not have actually read the thread.

I read it. I am just not influenced by you or anyone else that wants to have a raw raw things are great environment when I completely disagree with that.
I read it. I am just not influenced by you or anyone else that wants to have a raw raw things are great environment when I completely disagree with that.

Maybe, I just didn't make my point clearly. So, you have posted on every thread that you think Capel has done a horrible job coaching this season. My point wasn't whether that is true or not, just that when you get completely focused on what is upsetting you about the current season you trap yourself into being unable to see the big picture. These types of fans get so fascinated with their initial reaction to adversity that they let it ruin being a fan for them. My point is that people will enjoy being a fan more if they can keep themselves from having their entire perspective taken over by these gut check reactions. You will enjoy being a fan more if you can see how every team fits into our programs history.

I am not saying to be a sunshine pumper, I am saying that when you focus only on problems or what is upsetting you or you completely ignore problems then you are preventing yourself from fully enjoying being a fan.