An apology regarding our message board software

Guys (and gals), I want to apologize.

I had every intention of upgrading to a newer/shinier version of this message board before the season started, and I'm just not going to be able to get it done.

I think this particular software is almost seven years old now. The videos no longer embed and can't do a lot of the bells and whistles the newer versions do -- like embedding tweets/instagrams/vines etc.

When I started this thing, I had no kids. Now, I have two. They really do get in the way of your hobbies, don't they? :D

Anyway, just wanted to let you know I recognize this thing is outdated and I plan to get it re-done. I just don't think doing it during the season is going to be ideal.

If any of you know of anyone who specializes in vbulletin message board upgrades/designs let me know.

Take a break brother.:D
Don't go changing to try to please me. I want you just the way you are. :D
I got no complaints. Always been pretty reliable. Plus I like classic things.
This site is so much easier to navigate through than other teams sites. Tigernet, for example, I like to see what opposing fans say before big games. That place was impossible to read through. Thanks for an easy forum.
Thank you for the work you put in. And dont bother installing any of the NEW crap on my account. I couldnt make it work anyway and it would make the site harder to use.
I've known a few of you guys for a long time and I haven't posted much on here but I do read all the post and stuff. I wouldn't worry too much about it. I can still read these just fine. When you get the chance then do it. But for now we are all behind you. Keep up the great work.
Thanks again guys. The fact that nobody is complaining and pleased with the current format, coupled with the lack of traffic despite this being a top five team, has me leaning to staying with the status quo for now.