Can you imagine?


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Nov 26, 2008
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How good will Warren be if he works as hard as Griffin did in the off-time before his sophomore season? If he makes anywhere near the improvements that Griffin made, he will be a superstar.
How good will Warren be if he works as hard as Griffin did in the off-time before his sophomore season? If he makes anywhere near the improvements that Griffin made, he will be a superstar.

Warren already is a super-star... He just needs to be the focus of the offense (he will be this year)... He will average around 20 and be a first team all-conference player..

He will go pro after next year and be a top 14 pick.
I agree with Big. WW is a super star. Anybody can get better, but if we had run the offense through him all year, this year, you would have seen some scary numbers.

I would take WW ahead of any guard in this years draft. Would be interested in you guys take on this? Not that WW isn't raw or is as polished as some, but I just like his upside (size, handle, perimeter shot etc). WW's lateral quickness for a guy his weight is unreal.
Warren already is a super-star... He just needs to be the focus of the offense (he will be this year)... He will average around 20 and be a first team all-conference player..

He will go pro after next year and be a top 14 pick.

Yes sir.
It seems like many people don't understand that WW has grown up as a player and a man because he had to sacrifice for his team last year. The sacrifice was for him to tone his game down, so that the team could succeed by giving the rock to it's best player. I'm really proud of WW. It's awesome to watch him become a man on and off the court. BOOMER SOONER BABY!!!:clap
WW would have been a top 7 pick this year. I expect the same next year. He would have been the first guard taken, after Rubio.
WW is believe is going to show some huge improvment from last year...some of it will be in the numbers, but i believe most of it will be seen by his leadership on the court...

Last year he looked to Blake and the other players to lead, the reason he came back is because this is now his team...i expect some very special games from this guy...wouldnt doubt it if we saw him dropped 40 or close to it a few times this year...
How good will Warren be if he works as hard as Griffin did in the off-time before his sophomore season? If he makes anywhere near the improvements that Griffin made, he will be a superstar.

That's apples and oranges. In reality, Griffin worked on more on physical things like stregnth, muscle mass, endurance, etc. Warren already is quite adequate for a pg from a physical standpoint, but does need better endurance. The things Warren needs to work on are harder to improve in the off season. He's got to work on game situation things like, running off of screens, shooting over defenders going under the screen, driving on defenders going over screens, pg decisions, etc.
If you guys think Blake primarily worked on strength, endurance, etc. you are sadly mistaken. He has stated many times that his skill workouts with Bob Hill (the same guy he is working with now along with Frank M in San Fran) last summer were far more important than any hill he ran or sandbag he carried. Aside from perhaps his ft shooting, he was far and away a more complete player than he was his freshman year.

The only way that WW will have even close to the year that BG had is if he is willing to put in the same court time that Blake did. You can only lift and run so much without breaking down. You can work on your shot and handle all day long.
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I'm not sure if he will have to be leaned on this heavily or not, but I really do think Willie could lead the country in scoring. Again, I'm not sure the team will depend on him that heavily, so I don't think its likely. However, he is such a remarkably gifted scorer that I really do think he could average around 27-28 per game if a team really leaned on him.

And more than his specific off-season regimen (which I'm sure was highly organized, knowing Capel), talented players have a huge jump in confidence and assertiveness from freshman to sophomore seasons. I'd be really, really surprised if WW didn't put himself in position for All-American consideration.