Capel as a coach


Nov 3, 2009
Reaction score
What should we think about Capel's performance this year?

I am not wanting to live in the past and believe Kelvin's departure came at the right time, but no Kelvin team, even in his first year when Billy left him with little more than scraps, his teams played hard and played together.

I thought Capel tried to send this team a message in Alaska by letting them flounder away, but after Northern Colorado and UTEP, I'm not sure Capel has a handle on this team. The quote about a player (Blake) not talking to his coach (Capel) for a month - even if exaggerated, shocks me. Can I go a month without talking to one of my employees?

I am solidly behind Capel, but I think he has some room to grow as a coach as well. Maybe he is learning as much as his team is learning this year. I have to remind myself he is young too and I think he is having growing pains as much as this team is having growing pains.

As for solutions, I don't have any, I am not a college coach, I coach a group of 9-year old boys, but I do have a couple of rules for my team. The first is to give 100% effort while you are on the court. I don't see this from Capel's bunch right now and if it was my team, I'd find 5 guys who would give me 100% effort the entire game, regardless of skill level. Would the outcome be different than it is now?
To be fair, kelvins teams did not always play hard and ay together. Remember the end of his final season at ou?
Why do our fans think that everything that happens wrong is the coaches fault? At what point do the players need to step up and become men? Capel can lead these horses to water, but he cannot make them drink.
Why do our fans think that everything that happens wrong is the coaches fault?

I think if you'll read this board, you'll see that there are a wide variety of reasons given for the Sooners' struggle this year, and not simply that "everything that happens wrong is the coaches fault". I think questioning the coaching at this point is fair. Hell, Coach Capel himself has said that he has not done a very good job at times this season so I don't think it's outrageous to see fans wonder about it.

Personally I do not agree with what seems to be the general consensus on this board -- that our problems stem from a lack of effort and/or leadership. But that is ok, I enjoy reading the diversity of opinions here.
Why do our fans think that everything that happens wrong is the coaches fault? At what point do the players need to step up and become men? Capel can lead these horses to water, but he cannot make them drink.

It's the coach's job to develop their athletes. Some coaches are better at inspiring their team. The players buy into a good coach's system.

We're gonna find out how good Coach Capel really is in the post Blake era.

I expect him to have this thing turned around soon.
all fans place too much emphasis on "coaching". remember cheno droning on and on about how the ksu beasley team would implode?

it's really hard to get a freshman dominated team to consistently play well. but i bet there is a noticable jump in performance following the unlimited practice time holiday break.
I'm not sure Capel has a handle on this team. The quote about a player (Blake) not talking to his coach (Capel) for a month - even if exaggerated, shocks me.

Where did you see this at?
I was wondering about the same thing. Capel and Blake seemed to have a great player/coach relationship.
It was on another thread and by reading the quote you can't tell if it means Willie didn't talk to Capel for a month or if it was Blake. I tend to think he meant Willie but just a guess.
It was on another thread and by reading the quote you can't tell if it means Willie didn't talk to Capel for a month or if it was Blake. I tend to think he meant Willie but just a guess.

I sure hope Willie doesn't become a diva. I know he's young, but he's living the dream of many. I just hope he doesn't get too big-headed because he has such of a bright future.

Either way, he's gonna make a little money in the NBA and he knows it.
The quote was directed at WWIII, which is what I meant to imply, but I typed the wrong name. It was Blake and Capel talking about WWIII. My bad. Still does not change the basis for my concerns. Could you do this at your place of employment?

Tony - if you don't think it's a lack of effort, what do you think the issues are? Talent?
Tony - if you don't think it's a lack of effort, what do you think the issues are? Talent?

Not talent, for the most part, but a group of players that haven't been able to harness that talent. Combined with a frightening a lack of depth. I have a longer post on this topic I've been writing in my head for awhile, but don't have time to type it out right now. This weekend, hopefully.
I'd be interested. I am shocked at our perimeter "D" with a four-guard lineup you should be able to dominate the perimeter - especially given the athletes OU runs out there. Depth is a big issue, and I think effort on defense is still a problem, but that's just me.
I'd be interested. I am shocked at our perimeter "D" with a four-guard lineup you should be able to dominate the perimeter - especially given the athletes OU runs out there. Depth is a big issue, and I think effort on defense is still a problem, but that's just me.

I agree effort on Defense is a problem. I think OU has some guys who look as though they never had to play hard team defense for more than 10 seconds. I also think OU's athleticism is over rated.

Pledger and Warren are god athletes, however they are not the quickest guys out there. Willie gets to the rim on strength, he doesn't blow by anyone and he can't contain the dribble.

I think Griffin can play defense when he wants to, however he doesn't always put the effort in.

I think these guys look as though they haven't been taught team defense or they just never had to do it. OU is bad on help defense, and they are even worse at helping the helper. They stand by their man as if they are on an all star team or a badley coached summer team.

I think Capel is fine. I think they got in a pinch by getting a guy like Allen who in my opinion won't be able to play for OU. They got Wright who is servicable on defense and rebounding some. Then they have Fitz who isn't ready, and Kyle who won't ever be either. I think recruiting inside has put him in more of a pinch than anything else.