Capel will get it done


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Nov 11, 2008
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It may not be by conference play or even by seasons end but Capel will make the adjustments for his team (program) to be successful. Many on here are starting to point fingers a bit but no one really has any idea what the issues REALLY are and/or how to resolve them better than Capel.

Some have pointed to his recruiting efforts and while he may be bringing in top talent the players themselves aren't 'glue' guys or better yet sort of egotistical types. Some have pointed to a lack of leadership which is easy to suggest being that Capel himself said we seem to be lacking there but is that everything? I'm not sure but if you ask me Tony Crocker is a leader. At any rate, I'm very happy to have Jeff Capel at OU doing his thing. Whether our issues have been pointed out and revealed by those on the board or if the issues are more internal, I know Jeff is a sharp guy and will get it resolved in the end. This year may or may not be a 'learning tool' for him, we will have to wait and see, but the jury is still out as we still have yet to play a conference game and conference play can be considered a separate season of its own. As he learns he will implement change in what he does just like anyone else would do. My guess on Capel is this, he's a fast learner, and those types tend to rise above their peers which I fully expect Capel will do... it's just a matter of time.

We are in very good hands.