Caravan Report


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2008
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This report includes comments made by Coach Stoops and Coach Kruger as well as Coach Coale.

This was a somewhat abbreviated Caravan presentation because it's Finals week at OU so there were no student athletes for Toby to interview and Joe C. had to be at NCAA Basketball Committee meetings. Also, instead of several auctions, they just auctioned off some tickets for tomorrow nights Thunder/Grizzlies game.

Instead of each coach making a speech Toby Rowland asked them questions. I'll try to remember some of the questions and answers. Evidently, Coach Stoops face was a little worse for the wear because he'd had some skin cancers removed. I wasn't close enough to see the evidence.

When asked about running the qb this year, he said we'd have the opportunity the run the qb 6 to 10 times a game via the quarterback draw or having the qb keep the ball instead of always handing off on the running plays.

There was the usual amount of coachspeak: He mentioned players who played well in spring practice - Gabe Lynn and Colvin come to mind. He said all 3 qbs are good leaders and the team is excited about all 3 of them.

There was some back and forth about Trent Dilfer's comments. He said something along the lines of he wouldn't comment on the job Dilfer does during the season because he's never seen it - just like Dilfer admitted he had never seen us play in 2012.

Sherri talked about the great leadership we got from the Seniors this year and how they (especially Whitney) have taught next years Seniors how to lead. Coach Kruger asked her how she managed to put together a team that was able to withstand all the injuries and still get to the Sweet 16. She commented that they always look for high character people who are also excellent basketball players. She said they watch the way the girls they recruit interact with their parents, their teammates and their coaches and when they put those type of people together they create their own chemistry.

Sherry talked about her incoming players a little bit. I can't remember exactly what she said about each one.

Derica: She commented on what a good 3 point shooter and general scorer she is. Says she has crazy range.

Kellog: I think this is the one from Ames, Iowa? Said Coach Fennelly was not happy w/ us for stealing her. She said she's a forward and hopes she can develop into being a good rebounder like Joanna.

Goyia (sp) is pronounced Joya. She said she carried her team through the playoffs this year.

She said one of them will remind us of a more athletic Amanda Thompson, but I'm not sure which one she was talking about.

She mentioned the girl we signed late and said she is very quick and will add depth at point guard.

Coach Kruger talked about having 7 new players coming in next year (including the 3 who redshirted this year.) He said that Spangler is a blue-collar guy who will get on the floor and go after loose balls and be a fan favorite like Buddy Hield.

He said there might not be a go-to player like Romero next year, but we should have 2 or 3 guys we can depend on in those situations.

The men's basketball team is taking a summer trip to Belgium and France to play several games. They will get 10 days practice in advance of the trip and will visit Paris and Normandy in addition to their games. I would like to go and carry their bags or serve as an amateur guide.

All three coaches raved about Headington Hall and what a great improvement it is. Sherry said that prior to having Headington Hall, she used to often say, "Gee, we've run out of time and I'm not going to be able to show you the dorms before we take you to the airport."

Coach Stoops said it will actually have beds long enough for his players and Coach Kruger's players, who often hang of the end of the beds in the dorms now. He said something about the beds being too short for some of Sherri's players, too and she said, "I promise, I'm trying to get some taller players so we'll appreciate the longer beds, too."

That's all I can think of at the moment.
Thanks for the report. Alright, the rest of you people step up.
Great stuff. Thanks for posting.
this will be great for the players nice experience

Yes that is right. But, it is more than that. The 10 full summer practices, the games themselves, and the whole bonding/chemistry factor will give a young team like OU a huge early advantage over most all of their opponents.

OSU had a similar trip last summer. They came out of the gate playing about as well as they could, won their holiday tourney, and got themselves ranked. Hopefully, OU can reap similar benefits from their trip.
Wouldn't it be fun to travel to Belgium and/or France and see the Sooners play there?

What a treat that would be.
Yes that is right. But, it is more than that. The 10 full summer practices, the games themselves, and the whole bonding/chemistry factor will give a young team like OU a huge early advantage over most all of their opponents.

OSU had a similar trip last summer. They came out of the gate playing about as well as they could, won their holiday tourney, and got themselves ranked. Hopefully, OU can reap similar benefits from their trip.

I imagine those early practices would be open to fans too. It would be nice to lay eyes on the new guys.
I imagine those early practices would be open to fans too. It would be nice to lay eyes on the new guys.

That's right. Same with the individual workouts starting in June. The trick is to find out when the players will be there. The same door is always unlocked and Kruger would never ask anyone to leave.

With any luck mayby I'll be able to get a couple of looks starting next month.
Well done, MsProud! Thanks for taking the time to give us a rundown on what the coaches had to say.

That's right. Same with the individual workouts starting in June. The trick is to find out when the players will be there. The same door is always unlocked and Kruger would never ask anyone to leave.

With any luck mayby I'll be able to get a couple of looks starting next month.

Gary, if you don't mind, could you post any practice session times you find out about. I only live 10 mins from the LNC and work week on/off. As a basketball junkie, open college basketball practices are like candy to me.
Gary, if you don't mind, could you post any practice session times you find out about. I only live 10 mins from the LNC and work week on/off. As a basketball junkie, open college basketball practices are like candy to me.

He was probably telling you to check your private messages (PM). lol
Kruger said he and the other coaches of all the other sports really appreciated that when they brought recruits by on gameday, Bob would take time to stop and talk with them and recruit them to OU, which not all head football coaches do. Bob said that was because of Joe C and the family atmosphere and that everyone felt supported by each other and pulled for each other to win. Good times.
Kruger said he and the other coaches of all the other sports really appreciated that when they brought recruits by on gameday, Bob would take time to stop and talk with them and recruit them to OU, which not all head football coaches do. Bob said that was because of Joe C and the family atmosphere and that everyone felt supported by each other and pulled for each other to win. Good times.

That's good stuff. :clap