Carl Henry Appreciation Thread

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Nov 15, 2008
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Phog has one, I figured this place could use one too.

Here's to you Carl Henry!

Also can we get a pic of Carl Henry to put in the smiles box?
Carl, as citizen of Kansas, you represent that state well. Good luck on your future as your son's agent. You my friend will some day join Richard Williams, Williams Sanders, Marv Marinovich, and Joe Jackson on the all-time tool fathers's Hall of Fame.
This thread is both funny and ironic.
Carl Henry is certainly big news.
Bill Self needs to ask Henry if he's on board with a foot up his ass. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Bill Self needs to ask Henry if he's on board with a foot up his ass. Better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.

Bill Self I doubt is too overly concerned. He's a national champion.
Like he said in his comment today...he just wants finality.
Carl Henry is going to be on Al Eshbach's show tomorrow at 7:00.
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