Coach Capel staying put for a while?


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Nov 14, 2008
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Is anybody else starting to get the feeling that Capel might stick around for a while? I don't mean 20 years, I just mean until he makes a big final four/championship run.

The past two seasons I have felt that he's an upcoming superstar coach that could jump to a bigger/better job at any time. But now that he's building OU into that type of program, I'm starting to think that he will at least wait until he is about to lose a group of stars all at once before he leaves.

Personally I just dont feel like he would leave after this season with guys like Clark and possibly Barnes/Lamb/Jones coming in.
Duke is the only school I am worried about him leaving for in the near future, for that reason I am going to be a huge Standford fan and hope the best for Johnny Dawkins.
he'll need another Sweet 16/round of 8 minus Blake to move up the food chain IMO. we aren't chopped liver at this point. Duke will always be a concern, but who can blame the guy if it comes true?
From his comments from a few months ago about how much he loves it here, I would think it would take a program like Duke to come calling for him to leave. He should be here for awhile.
I don't see him leaving within the next 3 years except for Duke.
I heard an interview with Coach, I think on the Sports Animal, after the end of the season and after the raise/new contract where he talked about how great it was at OU and to work with an AD like Joe C and with David Boren. He talked about how much he loved the family atmosphere at OU.

He was asked what kind of job could get him to leave and he kept talking about how much he loved it here. Then he was asked if Duke was to offer once Coach K retired. He answered something to the effect Duke is the one place where it would be tough for him to say no to Coach K if he asked him to coach.

I think as long as we are having success and he starts building on what he has done, and getting the kind of recruits he is talking to right now, there won't be any other program more appealing, except for the obvious 4 or 5 basketball dynasty schools.
The thing about Duke is when they're ready to go after a new coach, it won't be the AD at Duke offering the job, it's going to be Coach K extending the invitation....that's tough to turn down.

Capel will be here for the short-run, what other top program is going to have an opening anytime soon? I really believe this is a make/break year for Capel, while I think he can be successful w/o Blake, he still needs to show it. Not saying a Final Four run and a Big XII championship are in order, but I do want to see what type of PROGRAM he has in store for the future. Obviously, the recruiting is going VERY well, and that's over half the battle.
Is anybody else starting to get the feeling that Capel might stick around for a while? I don't mean 20 years, I just mean until he makes a big final four/championship run.

The past two seasons I have felt that he's an upcoming superstar coach that could jump to a bigger/better job at any time. But now that he's building OU into that type of program, I'm starting to think that he will at least wait until he is about to lose a group of stars all at once before he leaves.

Personally I just dont feel like he would leave after this season with guys like Clark and possibly Barnes/Lamb/Jones coming in.

Why wouldn't he stay for his entire career? OU gave him his big shot. He has a chance to do something special and Norman is a nice place to live. I don't get why so many people assume OU can't keep a coach.
I don't see him leaving within the next 3 years except for Duke.

If you were Jeff Capel would you really leave a good job to follow a legend like Coach K? History is full of failures that have attempted that. Indiana, OKlahoma State and North Carolina are good examples in basketball. In football look at the successors to Switzer and Osborne.

I suppose if it is his life's biggest dream it could happen but I personally think it is a risk not worth taking. When Coach K retires the fans are going to remember going to the Final Four 100 years in a row and never losing a game. His successor will have a heck of a time living up to what Coach K did and will not be able to live up to the legend he becomes in the minds of the idiotic fans.
If Coach Capel were to win it all here, I don't see him leaving OU for any other program. If he won a MNC at Oklahoma, this would no longer be the legacy that any coach before built; it would be an entirely new legacy, ushering in an entirely new era of OU basketball than has been seen before. No matter what happened afterward, Coach Capel would be the only coach in the storied history of OU to say he was the first to coach his way to a national championship and win. Felton Jeffrey Capel III would be tied to the history of OU basketball for-all-time.

Mark my words, if Coach Capel wins a national title at OU, he will be here for his entire career - unless Coach K literally implores him to come to Duke.

I don't mean implore as in kiss his ring or some such, but more like a man who has built a legacy of his own and wants one of his favorite students to take his place. Basically: the King is dead, long live the King.

In that situation, I can understand how difficult a decision that would be to make. I wouldn't blame him one bit if he felt he could not turn that offer down. Regardless, I am hoping that if/when that time comes, Jeff Capel has built this program into one that can attract another great coach who will bring his own championship to OU, continuing the new era of Sooner basketball for which Coach Capel, his staff and recruits laid the foundation.

That is the dream, anyway.
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Well it's well known his dream job is being a GM in the NBA. He's said he doesn't want to be a coach alone forever, let alone in one spot. I don't think he will be here for 10+ years. It won't be because he leaves for a better program, but because he wants to pursue other things.
I don't see him leaving within the next 3 years except for Duke.

If we can keep him here for this long (or maybe one more year) I think he is probably here for a long haul. Two reasons:

1. His kids will be starting school and JC seems to be a stout family guy and he would be in a similar situation as Bob in that it is harder to uproot your family when you are in a good and improving situation.

2. I truly think JC is redefining the entire ideal of OU and as has been said he has the potential to do things here that none have. Those type of memories and achievement don't lend themselves to a "money-driven", or hasty change.

Let's all hope he is here for a long long time, he's a great one!
If you were Jeff Capel would you really leave a good job to follow a legend like Coach K? History is full of failures that have attempted that. Indiana, OKlahoma State and North Carolina are good examples in basketball. In football look at the successors to Switzer and Osborne.

I suppose if it is his life's biggest dream it could happen but I personally think it is a risk not worth taking. When Coach K retires the fans are going to remember going to the Final Four 100 years in a row and never losing a game. His successor will have a heck of a time living up to what Coach K did and will not be able to live up to the legend he becomes in the minds of the idiotic fans.
Do you really believe that Jeff Capel or any other successful coach actually has that mindset? Coaches tend to be extremely confident people (often to the point of being arrogant). Very few of them are willing to back away from elite jobs out of fear that they won't live up to expectations. Great coaches aren't insecure people, at least when it comes to self-assessing their coaching abilities.
I understand why we feel the need to talk about this subject...I mean, it is obviously something to consider as fans. And I understand how people could have different opinions on how a thing like this could play out. But I think it isn't the type of thing that can even be known before things happen. Coach has a good while left here at OU, I think that is pretty clear. Before he is qualified to get big money at a program that is a step up from OU, he simply has to have a longer track record. Remember, there aren't many ADs with the confidence and gumption that Joe C has. Capel is still a young coach with a lot more that has to go on the resume before one of the few programs that could be considered a step up (and there are only a few) could consider him, or at least consider him for the dollars it would take to get him. Plus, those ADs likely don't have the job security of Joe, nor do they have the overlooked luxury of taking that chance at a school where football absorbs so much of the pressure. I do think its reasonable for us to say that Coach is here for the foreseeable future.

But as far as the unforeseeable, I really don't get how any of us can speak definitively about what will or won't happen. A lot depends on what happens in the next few years with the program...will OU continue to build on its success enough to merit its coach being considered elite? If that success occurs, how will that effect Joe's ability to find money for a competitive contract? How will Capel feel differently about Norman, the university, the athletic department, Joe C and David Boren? And even if we somehow knew all of that, it will still boil down to a personal decision that a man has to make about his career and his family. We can't possibly know.

Look, I got in a big argument on the air with Eschbech and Gottleib about Capel the day he was hired. My take at the time was that I thought Joe's plan was to get a guy ahead of his career peak, let him bring energy into the program, enjoy the good years and if the time came that other schools came calling you've got a giant "intangible" in your pocket because your choice to take a chance with Capel accelerated his career path significantly enough that he could find himself in that position. The exact phrase I used was that I thought Joe was looking at Florida as a model for hoops at a football school and that "Capel is Castiglione's shot at Billy Donovan." They tore me a new one and, well, you know how those call ins work I'm sure.

Anyway, in the short term Capel is here and we shouldn't even be thinking about where or when he might not be. And in the long term, we should remain confident that OU is one of the very best programs in the country, that Joe Castiglione and Mike Houck are about as good as they come in the business, that we should be able to compete with most financial offers that may come, and that Capel will have years of living and working in Norman and investing himself into building the program into something special. On top of that, there is something that I'm sure we've all seen in various businesses about when a supervisor takes a chance on a guy and the guy succeeds, there is a feeling of loyalty that tends to exist. All these things should be enough that we don't have to think or worry about when that day comes. If Capel takes another job down the road, it won't be because he hasn't been taken care of or because someone dropped the ball. I would expect it to be a very difficult decision, and whatever he decides, I can't imagine it changing what I think about him. And when or if he does leave, I'd imagine the program will be in good enough shape to bring in someone else who will keep the ball rolling. Tubbs, Sampson, Capel...its a pretty good track record so far...