CP3 hit the boards well against Chicago - had a huge offensive rebound and kick out for the game winning 3-pt bucket. Really nice to see Courtney having an effective impact this season.
First game I saw the Paris sisters play was at Lloyd Noble. If I had a dollar for each time the announcer said "rebound Paris" I could have had the best steak in Norman!
As good as she was while at OU, she could have been so much better had she cared to really work at it. I guess the passage of time has gotten her attention and she has decided to get after it.
It takes a certain level of maturity to recognize that when a coach is challenging you, it's good for you. She's 4 or 5 years older now and everyone matures at different times in their life.
I watched their game Saturday against Connecticut. She's playing with a lot of passion these days.