Daniel Orton and Xavier Henry not playing Faith 7

I feel no need to defend Carl Henry at all. If you want to talk about Carl Henry that's fine with me but you seem to feel the need to make things up about an 18 year old kid and trash him on the internet which I find comical and sad at the same time.

Last time I checked, 18 years old means you're a kid no longer...
Everybody in Oklahoma just talks crap on both of them so why would they play?

Why does no one in Oklahoma talk crap about Azubuike, Sheldon Williams, Rotnei Clarke, or Darnell Jackson, but does about those guys.
LOL. It's funny that it was totally ignored what Orton said that his coaches told him they didn't want him to play. Add to that the fact that no one here knows why Henry isn't playing. The sour grapes is hilarious.

yeah, but that's a 2 way street too.

Totally agree. I don't hear them talking crap every week though. The 18 year old kids have moved on. :ez-laugh:

As far as Daniel, he's a likeable kid. A little alouf, but likeable. It's more of his father.
Then Dirty why are you talking smack on the kid? Come 'on...you start a thread talking smack on the kid for missing a game he says he didn't want to miss but his coaches didn't want him missing classtime then later in the thread you talk about how he's a likeable kid but you don't like his dad. That's my point. He's a kid doing what he's told. Both these kids are good kids with dads that are a little eccentric...okay maybe a lot.

Why does no one in Oklahoma talk crap about Azubuike, Sheldon Williams, Rotnei Clarke, or Darnell Jackson, but does about those guys.
Oh, my goodness people have talked crap on those kids as well. Been threads about all of them. Azubuike's dad has been villified like Orton & Henry's dads. Rotnei Clarke was classified as a scrub that wasn't good enough to play at OU. Jackson was a cheatin' gawk. Come on dude.
And a month or go or whatever when Orton was back undecided and considering OU he was all good...now's he's back to get smack talked. That's fine..but at least man up to it. :ez-laugh:
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Totally agree. I don't hear them talking crap every week though. The 18 year old kids have moved on. :ez-laugh:

Oh, my goodness people have talked crap on those kids as well. Been threads about all of them. Azubuike's dad has been villified like Orton & Henry's dads. Rotnei Clarke was classified as a scrub that wasn't good enough to play at OU. Jackson was a cheatin' gawk. Come on dude.
And a month or go or whatever when Orton was back undecided and considering OU he was all good...now's he's back to get smack talked. That's fine..but at least man up to it. :ez-laugh:

Azubuike's dad was a criminal, so any criticism to his dad was unfortunately warranted. You misrepresent the consensous stance on Clarke by this board. I don't think anyone thought he was a scrub, just not a better alternative to Willie Warren. I've been the biggest Clarke and Page fan around, because I've seen both of these guys throughout their youth. Others like you on some speculators who haven't seen those guys play did the general too white, too small, too slow assumptions. As for Jackson, that's some stuff you just made up. I've never seen anyone talk trash about him. As far as Orton, you need to go about 5 posts back and read my comment.

As far as my thoughts on posting this, many Oklahomans who follow prep basketball in Oklahoma are intuned to why. You being either not from Oklahoma or not being intuned with state basketball do to your fetish for KU, don't understand the Faith 7 and it's implications. It's basically the basketball Oil Bowl. Texas has always had the more talented team. This year they have a roster with atleast half of the players on high major big 12 teams. OU has sometimes played this game with players who don't even have small school offers. Despite this, Oklahoma has faired well. Clarke and Page beat a Texas team with Willie Warren and BoBo Morgan. Griffin and Davis beat a very good Texas squad their year. I believe that Eaton's year when AJ, Flemings, and Harris played, Oklahoma won there as well. Oklahoma has always been competitive and for guys to not want to represent their state is not acceptable to me. So sorry for saying something about a jayhawk, because I know that will always warrant a response, but that's just how I feel.
Azubuike's dad was a criminal, so any criticism to his dad was unfortunately warranted.

Come on man the criticism of him wasn't about what got him arrested. It was about his possessive attitude towards his son and steering him away from OU. Just like the criticism of Orton and Henry's dads. We're not all that dumb here to believe what you said above is actually why their was criticism about Mr. Azubuike.

As far as Orton, you need to go about 5 posts back and read my comment.
I did. Which made your original comment that much more hard to understand. Why criticize the kid? He's doing what he's been told by his coaches.

Oklahoma has always been competitive and for guys to not want to represent their state is not acceptable to me.
Orton does want to represent his state. It boldly states that in the original comment you posted yet chose to disregard.

So sorry for saying something about a jayhawk, because I know that will always warrant a response, but that's just how I feel.
Ummm, sorry but Orton is the one I had a problem with and is what I've been commenting on. He's going to Kentucky. I totally understand why OU fans don't like Henry. Totally 100% get it.
I don't know why Henry can't play. Do you?
But to run down Daniel Orton is silly. You ran him down. What has he done?

I totally understand why you stated your initial post about being disappointed they aren't playing. I am too. I just think the fact these two kids have been heavily criticized in there home state doesn't actually give them a warm feeling inside and probably makes this game less important to them.
That's too bad...for the entire state and for the importance of this game.
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Azubuike's dad was a criminal, so any criticism to his dad was unfortunately warranted. You misrepresent the consensous stance on Clarke by this board. I don't think anyone thought he was a scrub, just not a better alternative to Willie Warren. I've been the biggest Clarke and Page fan around, because I've seen both of these guys throughout their youth. Others like you on some speculators who haven't seen those guys play did the general too white, too small, too slow assumptions. As for Jackson, that's some stuff you just made up. I've never seen anyone talk trash about him. As far as Orton, you need to go about 5 posts back and read my comment.

As far as my thoughts on posting this, many Oklahomans who follow prep basketball in Oklahoma are intuned to why. You being either not from Oklahoma or not being intuned with state basketball do to your fetish for KU, don't understand the Faith 7 and it's implications. It's basically the basketball Oil Bowl. Texas has always had the more talented team. This year they have a roster with atleast half of the players on high major big 12 teams. OU has sometimes played this game with players who don't even have small school offers. Despite this, Oklahoma has faired well. Clarke and Page beat a Texas team with Willie Warren and BoBo Morgan. Griffin and Davis beat a very good Texas squad their year. I believe that Eaton's year when AJ, Flemings, and Harris played, Oklahoma won there as well. Oklahoma has always been competitive and for guys to not want to represent their state is not acceptable to me. So sorry for saying something about a jayhawk, because I know that will always warrant a response, but that's just how I feel.

I know you definitely weren't one of the people bashing Clarke but I feel like you were in the minority. JMO. As far as Jackson and others go it was a while ago but there were quite a few who bashed Giddens and Jackson for leaving.

I totally agree with your second paragraph in terms of the importance of the Faith 7 game. The bottom line is that you have no idea with Henry why he isn't playing and with Orton you knew and still felt the need to go after him a bit in your first post.

Also, just because you find it so important (or I do) it doesn't meant that it has to be that important to everyone. There are plenty of OU kids over the years who have sat out the Oil Bowl. The bottom line is it's a HS All Star game and not the end of the world.
I totally agree with your second paragraph in terms of the importance of the Faith 7 game. The bottom line is that you have no idea with Henry why he isn't playing and with Orton you knew and still felt the need to go after him a bit in your first post.

That was my point. Well said. Daniel Orton, as far as I know, hasn't been publicly negative towards OU in the least bit. He seems like a good kid, hasn't ever been in trouble that I've heard and always stated he just wanted to go to a basketball power school with great tradition and crowds. So? That's totally understandable. Again, a month or so ago when it was being reported he was considering OU/OSU he was all good again. Now he's not again. That bugs me. Always has regardless of school. I just don't think that flip-flopping on a kids character based on what school he thinks best fits him is right. I guess it's just me. My apologies.
That's fine, as long as their is not mischaracterization of sour grapes. Xavier Henry has been a prospect since the 6th grade. Not for one second did anyone think OU would be involved. If he was a mid major prospect and OU was his only major offer, we all know he wouldn't go to OU. If anything his unsolicited slaps at the state have offended people. As fo as Orton, he has a chance to be a very good basketball player. Unfortunately for him, he won't play as much in the beginning of his career as he would if he went elsewhere. When it looked like his recruiting would open up about half of this board was excited and the other half was skeptical. This post probably is the closest thing to being negative since he has decided to stay at UK.
That's fine, as long as their is not mischaracterization of sour grapes. Xavier Henry has been a prospect since the 6th grade. Not for one second did anyone think OU would be involved. If he was a mid major prospect and OU was his only major offer, we all know he wouldn't go to OU. If anything his unsolicited slaps at the state have offended people. As fo as Orton, he has a chance to be a very good basketball player. Unfortunately for him, he won't play as much in the beginning of his career as he would if he went elsewhere. When it looked like his recruiting would open up about half of this board was excited and the other half was skeptical. This post probably is the closest thing to being negative since he has decided to stay at UK.

Totally understand Dirty. Again, it wasn't Henry I took offense to. I totally understand. That has been bad blood from before he was born. By reports I've read here OU didn't want Carl. He was an Oklahoma kid and I think that bothered him. Then he went and played for one of OU's biggest rivals in KU. So it's obvious why OU was never a consideration for Henry. He's probably been raised to not like the Sooners. Just like many here were raised hating KU.
But Orton doesn't deserve the slams. Not at least by anything I've ever read about him. He seems like a good kid. By what I've read Orton's only beef with OU is what many of us (and a big reason why this site was started) have in that the support for OU hoops isn't where many of us want or think it should be at. He wanted to play in a bigtime environment like Sheldon Williams did. Can't blame the kid for that. That's totally understandable.
Talk to you later Dirty.
Let me clear one thing up you said earlier. The Azubuike situation is a little more complicated than you think. Azubuike was an OU commit. The belief is Kelvin let his brother walk on to OU to solidify that one week commitment. From their the story takes two angles. Some say that when Azubuike committed, Kelvin recieved some push back from Terry Evans, who who was an assistant at OU and coached Az with AF. The belief was that it would affect Alexander and Williams from coming to OU. The other thing that was said was Az's dad was upset because his walkon son was told he wouldn't be a part of the rotation!!! Now I think he truth lies somewhere in the parameter of these statements.

Personally, I was first hand knowledge to Az's dad basically pimping Kelanna for the exposure of his younger and less talented brother. The same shootout that I posted earlier about Giddens being discovered was actually a shootout billed to all the D1 coaches as an open session for the major D1 coaches to see Kelanna. Roy Williams, Wojo, Pat Knight, Kelvin, Tubby, even Sherri Coale was there along with every small school college coach in Kansas and Oklahoma. To make a long story short, Azubuike showed up in a sweatsuit and was reportedly "injured", but his brother was there to play in his place. Greg Swaim, the tourney organizer, was extemely pissed at Az's dad for this. Az went on to play an AAU tournament the next week.
Let me clear one thing up you said earlier. The Azubuike situation is a little more complicated than you think. Azubuike was an OU commit. The belief is Kelvin let his brother walk on to OU to solidify that one week commitment. From their the story takes two angles. Some say that when Azubuike committed, Kelvin recieved some push back from Terry Evans, who who was an assistant at OU and coached Az with AF. The belief was that it would affect Alexander and Williams from coming to OU. The other thing that was said was Az's dad was upset because his walkon son was told he wouldn't be a part of the rotation!!! Now I think he truth lies somewhere in the parameter of these statements.

Personally, I was first hand knowledge to Az's dad basically pimping Kelanna for the exposure of his younger and less talented brother. The same shootout that I posted earlier about Giddens being discovered was actually a shootout billed to all the D1 coaches as an open session for the major D1 coaches to see Kelanna. Roy Williams, Wojo, Pat Knight, Kelvin, Tubby, even Sherri Coale was there along with every small school college coach in Kansas and Oklahoma. To make a long story short, Azubuike showed up in a sweatsuit and was reportedly "injured", but his brother was there to play in his place. Greg Swaim, the tourney organizer, was extemely pissed at Az's dad for this. Az went on to play an AAU tournament the next week.

Thanks for posting that Dirty. See I've never heard that story. I never even knew that Sampson took his brother as a walk-on to get him (hmmm, I thought KS didn't do package deals like that..but that's a different thread) all I've heard over the years is negative talk about KA and his dad. That's what I mean there is always more sides to the story. Thanks for sharing.
There is alot of speculation about KS's recruiting policies at that time. It's well known that Ryan Humphrey's sister received an academic minority scholarship to OU. Now his sister would definetely have to meet the requirements for the scholarhip to get it, but you can connect the dots. The Evans/MWC/AAU specualtion was that Evans would help bring some the MWC guys more specifically Williams and Evans would down the road ascend to the first assistant chair and eventually be the heir apparent. At that time OU was in good shape for Bookout and thinking about offering Marques Hayden and Julius Lamptey, AF's other high major recruits. As it turned out, Hayden ended up being a headcase that OU nor OSU wanted to offer. Lamptey ended up being a grades case that OU and OSU tried to get qualified. Azubuike, a guy that was looked at by Mark Cuban as a Sophomore, took a hit in the recruiting rankings due to his off court situations with his father. Duke didn't recruit him because Williams didn't like him, Alexander didn't like him, and Kentucky was one of the Only major schools still recruiting him. He chose Kentucky over Tulsa.
Yeah, I never disagreed with you about KA. His family situation was a disaster.
There is alot of speculation about KS's recruiting policies at that time. It's well known that Ryan Humphrey's sister received an academic minority scholarship to OU. Now his sister would definetely have to meet the requirements for the scholarhip to get it, but you can connect the dots. The Evans/MWC/AAU specualtion was that Evans would help bring some the MWC guys more specifically Williams and Evans would down the road ascend to the first assistant chair and eventually be the heir apparent.

Dirty you better stop while your ahead...KS would NEVER offer a package deal. Those were all just coincidences. :ez-laugh:
Hey, he did have the ethics to stop short of offering a dad a job or starting player trust funds!